View Full Version : Fed up of the physical effects of anixiety

21-06-12, 16:09
I have had this general anxiety for about 10 months now, 9 months previous to that I had an ectopic pregnancy (where I nearly died) and as im 39 with only half my female bits I have decided to not have children.

Whether this decision is why my anxiety started im not sure but feel it is relevent.

I am totally fed up with the randomness of the anxiety and the physical side effects.

My neck, shoulders, back and arms ache constantly, nothing I do seems to make any difference. I feel dizzy and nauseus most of the time and struggle to go to work. I cant sleep at night and even put myself in the recovery position on the floor last night and ended up falling asleep there. I have sharp pains in my chest (ecg was done by my doctor in September no problems) and feel "ill" most of time. The doctor did prescribe 40mg Propranolol but to be honest im terrified to taking it. (I have problems just taking a paracetomol these days!)

I can't take sick leave from work as I will be on SSP and can't afford it so it would make the anxiety worse with money worries. I have tried St Johns Wort but was told its dangerous and doesnt work so stopped it.

Am at my wits end trying to cope with everything and manage the symptoms I dont know what to do.

To be honest I feel better just for writing it down and admitting how bad it is.

white rose
21-06-12, 20:40
I hope you find this site useful. I find it reassuring that I'm not alone having these awful feelings. I also have been feeling like this - on and off for almost a year now

I went to the doctors at first but after having tried citalopram and finding it didn't work for me I started on St Johns Wort, B vitamins, black cohosh and fish oil. I wish I could tell you they have been the 'cure' but I still feel anxious quite a lot of the time. Would I feel worse if I didn't take anything at all - I don't know!

When I get anxious my chest aches - my breasts feel huge and uncomfortable - like they could burst - I think this is muscle tension in my chest. I also feel dizzy and panic in case I pass out - (i never have ) I try and distract myself - looking on this site helps enormously.

I am sorry you are unable to take time off work and so struggle on - but maybe you are better off being at work and at least having something to distract you during the day

I'm sorry to hear about your ectopic pregnancy - can you return to the GP and tell them how you feel ? what about counselling?

Anyway - you are not alone - sending you lots of love and positive thoughts

21-06-12, 21:30
I had a very difficult pregnancy and both myself and baby nearly died, it was an horrific experience. The fact that I couldn't have other children caused me a lot of anxiety. 8 years later it all caught up with me and the anxiety increased. I went to the doctor and became very tearful. Eventually after a few visits I agreed to AD's but was very scared.

Citalopram has worked for me but you must be patient, side effects at first are tiredness, sickness , it is a very slow process and you don't realise it is working until suddenly you realise you are exactly the same but WITHOUT the anxiety as a result confidence builds, self esteem increases and life is a lot better and you are able to cope with the early trauma in your life and move forward. You will be able to make clear decisions and have clarity again. I haven't looked back and am so thankful to citalopram. No one knows I have suffered like this with anxiety as i have kept it to myself (kept the brave face going whilst the panic rose within). That's all gone now, please give citalopram a try fantastic for anxiety only wished I'd done it sooner.

Good luck

21-06-12, 22:12
Thank you both for your kind words it's nice to feel I'm not alone. I will go back to my GP and see about counselling and citalopram it can't do any harm, will try the st johns wort in the mean time xx

22-06-12, 20:07
Please don't feel alone Sarah...

I have only suffered with anxiety for 2 weeks (triggered by a serious health scare (which turned out to be fine)) and I am so fed up with the physical affects of it already, so I can't imagine how you feel having suffered for so many months.

I know there's not much i can say to make you feel better but...just know that you're not alone. xxx

24-06-12, 17:24
Me too.

Hate the nausea and after 3 months of it finally saw my GP and gave in to to SSIR ... Sertraline. Early days but after 7 weeks do feel better but still not right. Still up and down ....

The quicker I get back to some exercise the better

Take care