View Full Version : So worried today....

21-06-12, 18:29
Am feeling so low and panicky today and have no idea why - I find it all so very frustrating.... I thought I was really getting on top of these thoughts in my head but over the last couple of weeks they seem to be flooding back....

Have convinced myself that I have everything ranging from diabetes to heart attack today - all in one day....

Am trying very hard to distract myself and get on with things but all to no avail.... Feel like I'm going out of my mind lately and am supposed to be going away for the weekend tomorrow - am terrified something is going to happen over the weekend infront of my friends....


white rose
21-06-12, 19:51
I find this site so helpful as it makes me feel better that I'm not alone in having these feelings.
I have just come back from holiday - being away was so good - especially being with other people who could distract me. BUT - before I went - I was sure that the pain in my leg was a DVT ! (it was probably a pulled muscle!) I constantly worry about a heart attack - but also cancer, tumour etc - anyway - what I want to say is - go away - enjoy the company of your friends - lose yourself having fun and those horrible feelings will disperse and you never know - this new feeling may become a habit
Have a great weekend - I hope the sun shines for you xxx

21-06-12, 20:00
I know the feeling! I have just 'come down' from 3 months of almost continual panic. However, I think I have these latest issues (worries), somewhat resolved (I guess enough Drs have convinced me!. However, I still wake up with that sense of panic and dread, that I can't quite put my finger on what it is that's causing it. I have to fight the urge for my brain to start 'scanning' back into my mind, looking for something to worry about! As for your weekend, try to tell yourself that you know this is all just anxiety...and it's based on fear of the unknown. So of course you will be afraid something bad will happen while away. But try to tell yourself that just as in other weekends you've had with friends, it's a fun time (or you probably wouldn't have even scheduled the trip to begin with!) I think you will only be angry with yourself if you pass on this weekend and just sit home with your thoughts. Go out and try very hard to enjoy your friends...it may be just what you need to take your mind off things and give yourself a worry break! I know...easier said than done! Tell yourself you can get back to your worries when you get back home!!! I think we all need to take a lesson from "Bob" in the movie 'What about Bob'! If you haven't seen it, it's so funny, yet so applicable! "Take a vacation from our problems"!!!