View Full Version : MILD headache issues

21-06-12, 20:10
Hi I know I've posted here before about mild headache issues , but I need to again. Since July of 2011, which is now 11 months ago , I began having VERY MILD headaches which no one , not even drs can explain. It has been anything from twinges to pinching to pangs to an. Occasional MILD MILD throb, although rarely a throb. Sometimes it is a slightly raw or tickling sensation & IT MOVES FROM SPOT TO SPOT. Different spots different times. Sometimes the top, others the back center, sometimes the right , other times the left, sometimes temples or forehead, sometimes base of skull. But always mild, & rarely needs painkiller. Actually when I've taken painkiller, its because I'm stressed out over MILD HEADACHE, & WHY I have it & the painkiller knocks out whatever I'm feeling, so I'm not thinking about it & stressing as much. See, it's worrying about WHY I have it FAR MORE than the headache because asci said the headache is MILD. I'm 55 & I think what I've figured out is that it seems to be a combo of sinus & sleep. & neck position. Somedays I feel almost nothing & other days a bit more. I've been told by several health professionals that if it were tumor, which was my WORST FEAR, that the pain would be severe. & in one spot only where tumor was & constant since a tumor wouldn't come & go & that there WOULD DEFINITELY BE OTHER SYMPTOMS aside from headache. At this point, after 11 months, I KNOW if it were tumor, I'd REALLY be worse off. That being said tho, NO ONE can say what causes this. I know anxiety can do this. Also change in temp, from hot to cold or vice versa, can trigger it also. I VERY MUCH NEED feedbąck on this. Also I know it's possible it could be more than factor causing this, but isn't it odd it started at same time? Or is one thing setting off another? I have NO NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS. I just REALLY NEED feedback on this. It's like living some weird mystery. PLEASErespind as soon as possible & the more feedback, the better. THANK YOU!!!

21-06-12, 21:03
I can't give you medical advice, but I would think that in 11 months anything serious would have got worse. It could be anything from too much caffeine, or even caffeine withdrawal, to dehydration - not enough fluid is a classic cause of headaches.

It could be a food allergy - does it link with eating any particular food? Have to tried eliminating things like wheat or dairy foods, or chocolate?

It could be stress or anxiety related too. I get headaches if I am in a warm, stuffy room. It doesn't sound like too much to worry about, but I would start by drinking more water and looking for a possible dietary link.

22-06-12, 00:34
i too suffer from this, it's muscle tension caused by stress/anxiety, also jaw clenching during sleep, bad posture, too much concentration etc (in the sense that you're tensing the muscles between the eyes) can all contribute. my headaches were all over the place, very top of my head, front of face, sinus area etc, luckily i haven't had them constantly for a while now but when they do happen occasionally i just ignore them and carry on with what im doing. and yes if it were something sinister the pain wouldn't be mild or moving around. camomile tea may help as it relaxes muscles xxx