View Full Version : New user, recommended by a friend.

21-06-12, 23:35
Hello, my name is Stuart, I'm 23 (I rarely remember that). I was referred to this website by my friend who also uses it and I can see that it has been a huge help to him.

I don't really know where to start or how to explain my situation, honestly I was more interested in this for the chat function, as I feel there is less lost in translation, rather than reading from a board.

The reason I've come here is I've recently split with my girlfriend causing me to fall into a relapsing fear of being alone. Adding fuel to the fire, I was never given a reason why. I'm not even sure if I'm posting on the right board.

I think that my own comfort is helping others, which in turn boosts my morale helping me settle with my own issues. So in a way, I'm here for others, opposed to myself.

I don't know if I have depression or anxiety, I dropped out of college for a similar issue several years back, I've struggled to find job ever since. I'm an avid gamer, probably part of my problem, quite the doom metal fan which although to most people may appear as dark and gloom, I see more as an honest outlook in life. Is that the right approach to such a thing?

Perhaps my vision of things is just clouded and I'm looking for an exit to a tunnel, or maybe I'm just being closed minded. Optimism hasn't always been my strong point, and people often see me as a pillar of strength when they feel week and absolved after confiding in me, yet often fail to see I'm human just like they are. The person who referred me here sees through this, for which I'm grateful.

All opinions are welcome, as are analysis of me. If my thread is over the top, feel free to lock/remove it from the board.


21-06-12, 23:45
Hi welcome to the site, im new here too:)
Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, its always hard when you haven't had closure on something.
Hope you find what your looking for here, it's good to know there are people that understand how your feeling.

21-06-12, 23:45
Hi Plutus

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-12, 00:00
As long as she is happy and does what she must, then I'm content, but closure is always nice. Things have not been easy recently for her either, and I wish only the best for her.

Thank you for the reply, and welcome also. I'm sure we will enjoy it here!

22-06-12, 00:24
Hi Stuart! Just joined this website. Sorry about your girlfriend - I can somewhat relate to that and a couple other things you have mentioned. If you want to talk about life or simply nonsense, let me know!

Take care,

24-06-12, 01:07
Hi Stuart and :welcome:!

It's a really hard time when relationships break up, I know. You will get through it though and, when you're ready (and least expect it), you'll meet someone else who's perfect for you. Until then, try to enjoy your time on your own and get to know yourself a bit better.

You sound like a really sensitive guy and I'm sure you'll really be able to help others on here, helping yourself along the way.

Take care and I look forward to reading your posts.
