View Full Version : Diverticulitis

21-06-12, 23:42

Does anyone suffer from Diverticulitis that might be able to share their experience with me? I was rushed into hospital on Tuesday and diagnosed with it:unsure: I was on strong iv antibiotics and have come home with a shed load of them which are going to be a nightmare as antibiotics and my body are enemies...big time!

Any help of how I deal with this I would be so grateful:winks:

Thanks in advance

Trish x

21-06-12, 23:49
I believe it is controlled with diet.

I have diverticular (the holes in the bowel) and was told to avoid seeds and pips as they can get stuck in the holes and eat a high fibre diet - which I can't do.

Apart from that I was told not to worry about them as lots of people have them and don't even know.

I assume you had a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy to diagnose it?

22-06-12, 00:43
Hi Nic

No hun I didn't have either of them as they said they didn't want to disturb the colon with the pockets of infection and all the tests will be done at an OP appt...I know strange isn't it?!!

All I had was an xray of my ab and put on high dose iv Gentamizin (sp) and Metronidazole, I had 3 dr's prod me (one of them I near on cuffed, where it hurt so much:blush:) and each one said it was deffo Diverticulitis.

I've just looked at my discharge papers and it says it on there too:scared15:

The antibiotics that I have to take now are Metronidazole & Ciprofloxacin a total of 2200mg a day which is gonna be so hard...my mouth & lips has broken out already, come tomorrow I will feel like i've eaten flames from my throat down:weep:

Trish x

22-06-12, 00:49
I didn't know they could diagnose it like that but there you go lol. I could see mine on the screen when I had the sigmoidoscopy - quite fascinating really to see.

They said at the time that I don't have diverticulitis though just some diverticular - no idea what the difference is - but the report sent to the doc said I had diverticulitis and colitis and of course the Crohn's which I already knew about.

Metronidazole is evil. I don't know if you drink alcohol or not but DON'T lol

I hope you feel better soon and they help though

22-06-12, 01:59
Hi Nic

Well I can answer your question:)

We both have Diverticular, but at the moment I have Diverticulitis because I'm having a flare up...I only know that because the consultant explained it to me:) You have holes, whereas I have pockets of infections, which will turn to holes once the infection is gone:yesyes:

I do like to have a drink socially but just the odd one really, so I will make sure I stay way clear...what does it do Nic?

Thanks Nic for your reply and I do hope yours stay 'holey'!!!:)

Trish x

22-06-12, 12:01
Ahhh ok so mine are not causing problems at the moment then.

Did they say anything about diet etc?

It will make you very sick. It is a drug used to treat alcoholics for the very reason that if they have alcohol it makes them ill. I have had it several times when in hospital with the Crohn's and even without the alcohol it made me feel rubbish.

Yes here's to holey holes lol

22-06-12, 14:37
Trish ,it would be a good idea to get some Yakhult Yoghurt drinks..It will rebalance the good bacteria in the digesive system the drugs destroy .You wont feel so bad if you do this ,..Hope it clears up soon .Luv Sue x