View Full Version : 19 year old female with all sorts!

22-06-12, 00:12
Hi all,

I'm Hannah. Just found this website and thought I'd register. I'm only young and still a 'teen' but my mind is slightly troubled at this point and I struggle a lot to accept myself.

I'm just a normal girl, I have a loving family, boyfriend, good education and nice things. Just dangerously low esteem/confidence, anxiety over most things, I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies (although I have never been diagnosed with anything but a doctor told me its a direct link to my dads tourettes) and I'm currently in my 'monthly' episode of extreme feelings of worthlessness- I'm travelling around europe for two months at the moment and having some difficulty nudging this feeling.

Anyway, thats the short of it. I sound quite pathetic reading back on this but I really enjoy talking to people and helping if I can. I have an issue with talking about any of my problems because I don't like the fuss or attention (oh such a typical girl I am!) so I thought this would be good for me.

I look forward to helping people and opening up my thoughts on here :)

22-06-12, 00:20
Welcome to NMP.

22-06-12, 00:23
Hi hannah93

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-12, 00:29
Hi hannah
Welcome to the site, im new here too.
Hope it helps you in someway:)


22-06-12, 00:32
Do you feel you are missing home from the travelling? This can sometimes make people feel uneasy being in a foreign environment. That combined with the "monthly" thing could be putting your mind into overdrive. Do you feel like this all the time or has it only been recently?

22-06-12, 00:47
Thank you MissHannah!

Stuart, I don't necessarily miss home. Everytime I go back home from uni I get very stressed. But I miss my mum an awful lot and I think that affects me quite deeply. I'm travelling with just my boyfriend at the moment which is lovely but typically I read his every movement, every negative thing he says about/to me, and I still have a few issues from this past with him [very complicated] concerning cheating and which was quite a while ago which I just can't completely let go and some minor aggressiveness which I read too much into.

As for this monthly thing, I guess it's been since I was a young teenager but that was definitely wanting to fit in with everyone. I had a lot of issues with my appearance from a young age too [that's a whole other story, lol].
But you're right, my mind is in overdrive. I'm constantly thinking of several millions things at once when I'm at this point, none of which do me any good. I wish I could reset my brain!

I believe I have all the reasons for my problems and I know how I need to solve them but its getting the motivation to do it...

22-06-12, 02:18
Only you can decide what is right and wrong, and no one should influence that but yourself. Trust is the most important for a relationship to work. Sometimes things are hard to let go of, but you should never put your own mental health at risk if you don't feel at all comfortable with things.

Reading into things too much can be for your own safety, somewhat like a precaution. Personally for me it can incite paranoia, and that only agitates the situation. Appearance is different for everyone, and I'm not sure if anyone is ever really happy with how they look, we're all a little vain, aren't we? People are penitent about their appearance for some very strange reasons, and I guess this is the place to talk about these things. Feel free to talk about anything.

Motivation is interesting in the sense it can come and go within seconds. Looking to the future is probably the easiest way to build motivation. Since you're touring Europe, think about the next place you're going to that you've always wanted to go. You'll feel totally awesome about it! :D