View Full Version : Scared :(

22-06-12, 10:13
Hi there,

To be honest, I am not really sure why I am posting, I just feel like I am going a little loopy.

I have health anxiety, and general anxiety and as part of that I worry not only about physical symptoms but the mental ones too. Eg... I lost my appetite a while back (anxiety related) and was utterly convinced I was developing an eating disorder.

I think I may now be having another similar experience. I was out with a friend last night and started to feel anxious, panicky even and thought I really want to get home. And then it started...... in my head I thought 'oo thats a bit like agoraphobia' and bam. I am now terrified I am agoraphobic..... to the point it is making me feel like it. I have been trying to combat it.... I dragged myself for a swim this morning, but felt so much more anxious outside my house. I am now in college and feeling so anxious, my heart won't stop banging and I feel sick. I can't work out for the life of me if it is actually that I am scared of being outside my house and in busy spaces or if I am scared of being scared of it. If that makes any sense.

Has anyone ever had anything similar? So sorry for the ramble.

Thanks in advance :)

22-06-12, 10:57
Hi Nyan
You said in your posting you were going to college is everthing ok there ie you are not worrying about course work which could make you lose appetite and worry, and that worry gets bought into other things.If so your college may have a student councillor who you could talk to.

Though if the symptoms persist i would make an appointment with your GP as all types of treatments are available including talking therapy but if your college has a student councillor go see them first would be my advice.

You do not sound agrophobic more like mild panic attacks which do need to be resolved so you can move on.

Good Luck with your problem please keep us updated.


22-06-12, 11:57
I can relate to this a lot - you are scared of being scared. I think may be its good to understand these things.

Im terrified of becoming agoraphobic too. Every day I make myself go to our shop just so that I know I am capable of it. I also worry that I havent been in a car for a long time or a bus for a long time --- it goes on and on.

I think talking with someone about it could maybe help - good luck.

22-06-12, 12:27
Some times i have these feelings alot, Im so scared to go out by myself and will not do it and have not done it for over a year. When im going through a bad stage of my panic attacks i struggle to go to the shop, i will panic as soon as i leave my door. Before i have not gone out for over a week because im that frightened. its horrible!

Stay positive everyone xx

22-06-12, 19:49
I have had obsessive thoughts like that and its really worrying, but I can say that you are being really strong by forcing yourself to carry on regardless, keep doing what you are doing!!

And I agree with you, it is the fear of the fear controlling the panic!!!