View Full Version : Just been prescribed 10mg of Citalopram...

22-06-12, 11:34
I'm a bit scared to take them. I always worry about taking pills due to the side effects, and I know a lot of you get awful side effects on here.

I mainly panic over heart problems, and according to the leaflet and internet, citalopram can increase the risk of having fatal heart problems such as an irregular heart beat.

I'm trying to tell myself that this is usually at high doses of 40mg or above, and I'm on the lowest dose so I should be fine. But I still panic a bit :(

What's everyone's experiences with this?

22-06-12, 12:58
Citalopram does have a list of side effects as long as one Snow White's dwarves' arms, but most people take them with minimal side effects and the benefits far outweigh any such. Most people who post about side effects post because they have had side effects so it seems that nearly everyone has side effects, a self fulfilling prophecy.

The greater immediate effect is placebic, you're mind is incredibly good at seemingly causing physical effects it expects to happen. That goes both ways some feel that Citalopram gives immediate benefits which then die away, because someone has taken notice of their problems and there finally doing something to help. For other people it goes the opposite way. Whichever ever Citalopram takes around a month for its benefits to settle in, so unless it causes you severe physical effects take it without worry.

one of us

22-06-12, 15:20
Well I took a pill about an hour and a half ago. Don't have any major side effects as of yet! I feel like I can't connect with my surroundings; slightly zoned out. This is not unpleasant or anything though, just rather strange. My body feels slightly weak but nothing bad. I'm getting some chest pains and my heart rate is fast but that could just be down to my anxiety.

Although the only thing thats bugging me is that I feel like I have a tight band around my chest :( I can't breathe properly. I'm asthmatic also.

Is any of this normal? Should I worry about my chest feeling tight?

Oh god now I'm panicking even more after googling chest tightness with citalopram :(:(:( I just rung my doctor and she said to ring an ambulance if I get chest pain. After a few mins of putting the phone down she rung back and said that I'm probably just suffering from a small panic attack and it's nothing to worry about.

The fact she said "probably" still scares me though. I need to try and relax!

22-06-12, 15:53
Yes chest tightness is quite common. I felt like I couldn't get a full lungful of air in at first but this passes. Also the more I dwelt on it the more I felt it but when I forgot to think about it the tightness went away, silly me!!

My side affects were mainly clenched jaw and a bit of tingling in my arms and legs and a bit of diarrhoea. A month in and I have zero sides.

Now you know googling is a bad idea:whistles: so put the mouse down and step away from the computer and put your hands on th........ sorry I watch far too many cop shows:D


22-06-12, 16:30
Oh is it common? Thank god. I can't stop panicking over it thinking I'm heaving a heart problem (I'm getting some pains all across the top of my back. Probably anxiety though).

I'm clenching my jaw too haha I keep laughing at things too :S I think that's part of me feeling zoned out though haha it's rather strange.

And I know it's a bad idea :(! I need to stop! Haha.

I randomly get shivery and cold too. Don't know if that's normal.

22-06-12, 16:33
i think your doc is right, just the idea of the cit and what side effects may happen was ennough to throw me into full blown panic for the first three days of taking it. Our anxious minds make us over analize everything! what if im allergic? what if im the one in a million that has fatal side effects? what if they accidently mixed the wrong chemical in my citalopram? what if? whatif? what if? ... and many other absurd things we think of.

Just remember, like i keep telling myself, and i should know ive been on these before, that millions of people have or do use this medicine and it is safe!! Dont let your mind trick you as it does to all of us at the begining.

hope you feel better soon

22-06-12, 16:43
Yeah I suppose you are right :( you just know what it gets like with anxiety, especially when starting an antidepressant.

Now I'm panicking due to pains all across my back! I sometimes get this with anxiety and I suppose i've had a stressful day with starting these medications. Hoping it is just that.

22-06-12, 16:55
Oh is it common? Thank god. I can't stop panicking over it thinking I'm heaving a heart problem (I'm getting some pains all across the top of my back. Probably anxiety though).

I'm clenching my jaw too haha I keep laughing at things too :S I think that's part of me feeling zoned out though haha it's rather strange.

And I know it's a bad idea :(! I need to stop! Haha.

I randomly get shivery and cold too. Don't know if that's normal.

It's hard distinguishing anxiety induced side effects with medication side effects.

When first starting it's good to be aware of how your feeling and it's good to hear you have good contact with your Doc'.

I don't know how asthma will affect the mix of how you will feel as I don't suffer this but it could be causing the chest tightness and breathlessness no?

Just keep aware of your sensations like any chest pain and constrictive breathing and if they increase have a chat with your Doc and proceed from there. Serious reactions are very rare and this is why Citalopram is so widely prescribed. As I say it's hard to distinguish side effects and symptoms when your new to this.


22-06-12, 17:00
It's hard distinguishing anxiety induced side effects with medication side effects.

When first starting it's good to be aware of how your feeling and it's good to hear you have good contact with your Doc'.

I don't know how asthma will affect the mix of how you will feel as I don't suffer this but it could be causing the chest tightness and breathlessness no?

Just keep aware of your sensations like any chest pain and constrictive breathing and if they increase have a chat with your Doc and proceed from there. Serious reactions are very rare and this is why Citalopram is so widely prescribed. As I say it's hard to distinguish side effects and symptoms when your new to this.


I usually get a bit tight chested some days from my asthma, and from my anxiety if I've been particularly stressed out. So I'm hoping it's just something like that as I've been extremely anxious since I woke up this morning, first about the doctors (I was on the verge of a panic attack in the surgery) and then panicking over the pills and whether to take them or not.

I don't think asthma is meant to effect it. Although I am on omeprazole which is meant to effect it but isn't dangerous. Apparently it allows more of it into your blood maybe? I can't remember.

I mean my breathing isn't so bad that I'm gasping for air, or am dizzy from lack of oxygen (although I am a bit light-headed but I'm sure it's just a side-effect of the citalopram), I'm just conscious that my chest feels a bit tight.

I'm going to have a hot bath now to relax my muscles which may help my chest with all the steam and stuff.