View Full Version : Ears!

22-06-12, 14:51
Hello all :)
I am suffering with an irrational fear and would like to hear from anyone who has similar symptoms because I think I'm the only one!
My anxiety is centred around my ears, every time I get a cold I can't hear properly (I know this is normal) however it frightens me so much when one ear pops and clears and the other doesn't. I become manic so I continuously try to yawn to clear my ears and I know I make things worse.
I am scared to go out because of the change of pressure in the car when I go up and down hills.
Is there anyone who can relate to how I feel? I am so desperate for some help.
Thank you. Jo

22-06-12, 15:02

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-12, 15:39
Yeah, blooming annoying when you have popping ears and highly irritating when you go temporary deaf in one of them.

I have had trouble with my ears since a kid. I used to get earaches from hell and still do about once a year.

Have you had a doc look down your lug holes to see if there is any gunk swishing around? If this is a cause it's easily fixed.

How I deal with my ears is I close my mouth and pinch my nose and blow out and 'pop' my ears. You need to be careful as too much pressure can hurt and definitely don't do it during or after a cold, flu or earache but I've been doing it years so have the knack now. If that action doesn't work I repeat the blowing out but climb or descend a set of stairs at the same time and that usually fixes it!

When I 'pop' both my ears I get what I call 'super hearing' but usually live with the volume at 'normal' level until one ear plays up and it popping time again!!


22-06-12, 17:54
Thank you Steve,
I have had my ears checked and their fine....I love it when I get that 'super hearing' when both ears pop but at the moment my hearing is dull and if I yawn or try to pop them only one pops and it's ages until the other one does...what really bewilders me as to why it throws me into panic when I cant pop them? I feeling really depressed because I'm too scared to go out because it makes my hearing worse. I just want my life back again! :weep:

Vanilla Sky
23-06-12, 08:53
Anxiety affects us all in different ways , you have to keep in mind that wether your ears are popped or not, It will not harm you !

Welcome to NMP :welcome:

23-06-12, 14:50
Thank you for that advise, the problem I have is believing that the unbalance does not matter! I know it is harmless but for some reason I have this awful fear when they won't pop, I do not know why?
I am in such an anxious state at the moment and I really need some help...I am so glad I have joined you, I do not feel so alone now :hugs: