View Full Version : Mild headache issue

23-06-12, 00:03
I just posted here about MILD headache issue in last day or so. I just would like to get an opinion on something a health professional told me. He said that the fact that I rarely need a painkiller is a HUGE indication that it would not be a tumor & that most people with brain tumors are on pain killers that are quite strong & usually prescription. Has anyone heard this? I THINK I HAVE. Sorry, I feel like I'm being Pesty & DON'T want to be. It just helps to hear or read other opinions. Any responses as soon as possibly would be GREATLY APPRECIATED . Thank You!

23-06-12, 00:14
Hello :)
If it was a brain tumour it most certainly wouldn't be a mild head ache. Also I have always been under the impression with what your dr said that if it was some thing serious like that, then normal painkillers wouldn't even touch the pain.
I'm sure your head aches are more likely to be down to you being stressed and anxious xx

23-06-12, 00:17
I know 2 people that have had brain tumours and the pain was unbearable and they could not function without serious pain relief