View Full Version : Please help me, I think I might have something bad?

23-06-12, 05:17
I have pain under my armpit, is this breast cancer?
Or lymphoma ?
It just hurts, mostly when i turn my head.
There is no lump, i have checked a billion times, can't feel a thing even in the deepest parts of my armpit.
I think it may have something related with period. Cause it all started one period ago when I had a lymphnode in the same place, same pain, but then it went away. Then I was scratched by a street cat and had to take a series of 5 rabies shots, then in my next period I had the same pain with no lump, but the pain didn't go away, it's still here, it wasn't intense, but my perriod is coming so it got worse. should i see a doctor? my parents don't take me seriously

23-06-12, 06:40
Sounds like some sort of infection. Very unlikley to be cancer, pain is not generally a symptom of cancer in the early stages. If it carries on, seeing your doctor is a good idea. In the meantime, try not to prod and poke yourself, that is likely to make the pain worse, whatever the cause.

23-06-12, 23:17
I get pain under my arm pit ususally most month and always have - I would say it is definitely hormonal - and possibly linked to period so don't worry.

Tho if it is when you move your head could also be a muscle issue.

23-06-12, 23:46
Hi there,

Sorry you're feeling so bad. As always, all we can say is to visit your GP as its impossible to give a diagnosis on here. To ease your mind a little, the symptoms you're describing could very easily be caused by anxiety but it's best to get it checked, if you haven't already.

Take care

Pip x