View Full Version : Night sweating

23-06-12, 10:16
The last few days I've been waking up all sweaty. I've been pretty anxious all the time. It seems I'm anxious during sleep also...and this is why I'm sweating so much. Anyone with similar issue?

23-06-12, 13:39
Yes, I went ti the dr about this earlier in the year and got sent for blood tests. They all came nack normal and the Dr said that night sweats are common with anxiety and also can be hormonal which is why women get them after childbirth and before their period. I am sure it is nothing to worry about. mone were quite bad, I was having to change my top every night but they are much improved now I don't focus on them so much.

23-06-12, 13:43
Im male, but i read that AD meds cam have that effect also and Ive started meds 10 days ago

23-06-12, 13:47
OMG yes, I don't know which ones you are on but I was on Prozac and had horrendous night sweats, but they wore off after a few weeks.

23-06-12, 14:15
Im on escilatopram...