View Full Version : weird

jenny kilden
23-06-12, 21:05
does anyone else feel kinda weird / unreal with anxiety?

23-06-12, 22:11
Most definitely, it's the depersonalisation and derealisation....like being in the twilight zone or walking around in a bubble a bit unaware of what is going on around you, unable to 'recognise' yourself or be 'aware' of yourself. I hate those feelings. Is that kind of how you mean? Kitti :)

23-06-12, 23:09
yep , me the same

23-06-12, 23:48

As Kitti said, this is an anxiety symptom and is quite common. I've escaped this myself but I can imagine how distressing it must be. Read some of the threads on here on this symptom and it should reassure you that you're far from alone.

Take care

Pip x

24-06-12, 01:26
My advice would be to do something which reconnects you with reality...i go outside and take a walk into the village, see people getting on with their lives, walking dogs, mowing their lawns etc. Buy something from a shop. Its a really simple yet effective way of bringing you back into reality and normal, everyday life. It also makes me appreciate my surroundings and realise that im wasting my life letting this control me...

Works for me, maybe give it a go? :)

24-06-12, 03:49
Focusing on it makes it sooo much worse.
Doing things aka distraction works best for me.

24-06-12, 18:30
Yes, I hate this so much. This is what got me agoraphobic.

25-06-12, 21:08
yes alot..hate it.