View Full Version : Help Quickly Anyone?

23-06-12, 23:18
Hey all,

I started having panic attacks alot after new years after a bad experience with drugs, after a while they had died down and become less frequent and bearable.

Right now, I feel crazy, It feels like I've been having a heart attack for the last 3 hours, I can't sleep, I don't know what to do.
I keep panicking and almost calling ambulances, this is the worst thing that's happened to me I think, I can't bear it.

I have Propanolol, but I'm scared to take it as I don't know what happens when you take it.
I keep going in and out of it, but my heart beat seems normal most of the time, I'm starting to think it might not even be panic and something worse

I really don't know what to do right now.

Anyone have any advice, it would be much appreciated right now.

- Jordan

23-06-12, 23:31

I presume you've been prescribed propranolol because of anxiety and that you've had tests etc. if you've been diagnosed with anxiety then the symptoms you're describing will almost certainly be caused by that.

First - you're not having a heart attack, just a severe anxiety attack. Realising that is the most important thing.
Second - try to stay calm (easier said than done, I know) but try to distract yourself. Watch some tv, read if you can concentrate or go for a quick stroll round the block.
Next - you've been prescribed propranolol so take one. Beta blockers slow the heart rate and block the response to adrenalin which is making your heart race. It will also help the shaking and knotted stomach feeling which I bet you have. They act fairly quickly and will really help.

Give this a go and see if it helps

Take care

Pip xx

24-06-12, 00:05

I presume you've been prescribed propranolol because of anxiety and that you've had tests etc. if you've been diagnosed with anxiety then the symptoms you're describing will almost certainly be caused by that.

First - you're not having a heart attack, just a severe anxiety attack. Realising that is the most important thing.
Second - try to stay calm (easier said than done, I know) but try to distract yourself. Watch some tv, read if you can concentrate or go for a quick stroll round the block.
Next - you've been prescribed propranolol so take one. Beta blockers slow the heart rate and block the response to adrenalin which is making your heart race. It will also help the shaking and knotted stomach feeling which I bet you have. They act fairly quickly and will really help.

Give this a go and see if it helps

Take care

Pip xx

Thank you for your reply, I wasn't diagnosed with anxiety with tests, but was prescribed propanolol after weeks of constant anxiety and panic attacks.

I can usually deal with what happens, but this has been for the last 3 hours atleast, it jumps up and down a lot at the moment, almost to the point where it's so bad I kind of feel like I'm tripping, which is horrifying

I've been trying to distract myself, but nothing is keeping my mind free from it and the thought of going for a walk right now is scary

I just took a tablet and am trying to stay calm, but it keeps coming back
I thought I was over all of this..

I'm having the worst day of my life so far I think..

- Jordan

---------- Post added 24-06-12 at 00:05 ---------- Previous post was 23-06-12 at 23:43 ----------

after taking the tablet, I still don't feel better.
I can't deal with this.
This is the worst feeling I've ever had.

24-06-12, 00:09
Ok, the tablet will work pretty quickly and you should start to feel calmer. Just sit down and slow down your breathing. Try to play a little game in your mind, which is what I do when I'm really bad. I think of things in a series, for example, song titles from A to Z or books in a series I've read and what the plot was. I know it sounds a bit pointless but it really calms me down by distracting me.

I really can sympathise as I know what it feels like but you will feel better soon. Is there anyone you can talk to?


24-06-12, 00:13
Ok, the tablet will work pretty quickly and you should start to feel calmer. Just sit down and slow down your breathing. Try to play a little game in your mind, which is what I do when I'm really bad. I think of things in a series, for example, song titles from A to Z or books in a series I've read and what the plot was. I know it sounds a bit pointless but it really calms me down by distracting me.

I really can sympathise as I know what it feels like but you will feel better soon. Is there anyone you can talk to?


I feel a bit calmer now, but still very jittery
I've put on a comedy film and it's lightening the situation a little bit, but I'm still horrendously scared to be honest.
No, there's no one to be honest.
Thank you for your replies.
I hope this is just a one off and never this bad again..

24-06-12, 00:19
I'm pleased you're starting to feel a bit better. Beta blockers can take upto an hour to take full effect so hang in there. The jittery feeling is the after effect of a bad attack. You'll also find that if you start to take the beta blockers more often, the effect builds up and they're more effective.

Watching a comedy film is a great idea. Absorb yourself in that and come back here if you need to. Curl up on the sofa, keep warm and have a little something to eat when you feel like it. Trust me, you'll be fine now.

Take care

Pip x

24-06-12, 00:26
I'm pleased you're starting to feel a bit better. Beta blockers can take upto an hour to take full effect so hang in there. The jittery feeling is the after effect of a bad attack. You'll also find that if you start to take the beta blockers more often, the effect builds up and they're more effective.

Watching a comedy film is a great idea. Absorb yourself in that and come back here if you need to. Curl up on the sofa, keep warm and have a little something to eat when you feel like it. Trust me, you'll be fine now.

Take care

Pip x

Thank you so much, I feel a lot better
I was convinced this was it for me for a good couple of hours then, that was the most horrible experience of my life, to top off one of the worst days of my life!

The Propranolol seems to have worked really well now, although I don't want to get into the habit of taking them, in 6 months this is the first time it felt necessary, so hopefully it'll remain only very occasionally that it happens this bad

Many thanks for your help, I probably would of curled up into a ball and rang an ambulance if no one had replied!

Thanks again!

- Jordan

24-06-12, 00:29
You're welcome

Take care and keep coming back on here - you'll find it really useful

Pip xx

24-06-12, 01:01
Is it okay to take sleeping tablets with propranolol?
I just want to sleep now, but too much is going on in my head

24-06-12, 01:15
Sorry, I don't know the answer to that one. All I can suggest is that you read the information leaflets and look at which drugs you can't take with them. If you can't find the answer and really need to take sleeping tablets, a quick call to NHS Direct may answer your question. If you can manage without them though, I would.

Pip x,

24-06-12, 01:17
Sorry, I don't know the answer to that one. All I can suggest is that you read the information leaflets and look at which drugs you can't take with them. If you can't find the answer and really need to take sleeping tablets, a quick call to NHS Direct may answer your question. If you can manage without them though, I would.

Pip x,

Okay thanks, I'll try and get some sleep and if I really can't do it I'll have a quick read around and see if it's okay.

Thanks for all the help!


- Jordan