View Full Version : I need to be strong!! :)

24-06-12, 07:46
I CAN'T let things get to me! I need to continue being happy Mikey and not let these annoying lil health problems I've been having make me unhappy or depressed. I CAN DO IT! I will stay focused, work HARD to heal myself... I will come out of the end of this!

Additionally, happiness is in your HEART, not your health or your social life or surroundings! Happiness is created in YOU! I need to remember this, and be normal, happy me NO MATTER WHAT life throws at me! THAT is the test! It's all very well being strong when everything is hunky dorey, but can I be strong when things are tough? Yes I can! ^_^


I'll... I'll shut up now ^^


And erm, I'll use this thread maybe to catalogue my feelings a bit and my happiness/sadness/stress/calm :)


Hoppi :flowers: