View Full Version : Anxiety worse in the mornings?

24-06-12, 10:25

I was just wondering does anyone fine their anxiety/depression is worse in the mornings?

I'm on day 7 of Fluxoetine and feeling generally horrible, my HA doesn't seem any better, although I'm not crying as much, but I just find when I wake up in the morning, I just want to crawl back under the duvet and not get out.

Obviously I'm not doing that and I do find as the day goes on I start to feel a bit better but then I go to bed and when I wake up I'm back to square one.

Anyone else have this?, I just hope the tablets kick in soon, I feel like a zombie at the moment. :lac:

24-06-12, 10:43
I am exactly the same, I also think its very strange, and I have just had my meds (effexor) upped to double the strength about a week ago. I'm not sure if the meds arn't working or if they need more timr all I know is that something has to change, I have 2 young children to look after and like most children they wake up around 8 I find it so hard as all I want to do is cry :-( But I don't want to frighten them, I'm go back to my GP tommorow, hopefully there's something he can do, hope you starr to feel better soon x

24-06-12, 13:16
I'm always worse in the mornings, and last thing at night. My Dr confirmed only the other day in the course of conversation that this is absolutely normal for anxiety etc. Like when we have a cold; the morning and evenings are when our body is at its most sluggish, so any symptoms appear worse.

24-06-12, 13:36
Yep, mornings suck when starting these drugs. I take my pills in the morning.

In a week or two you should start feeling these morning terrors easing up and hopefully disappear?

Don't worry if you have the odd unpleasant morning after these drugs kick in proper, it's normal to have a few blips on the way but overall I expect you to feel much better soon so hang in there:)


24-06-12, 14:26
No doubt. Anxiety is always worst in the mornings. It's easy to understand why. It's because you have a whole day ahead of you.

I feel better in the afternoon! :)

24-06-12, 15:16
week six of my fluoxetine and my anxiety is now much better in the mornings. Generally in early evening til bedtime i feel normal- but should appreciate I still need to get to bed at a good time so that mornings are not so rough!

weeks 3 and 4 i was waking up with horrendous anxiety about nothing! very frustrating because i coulnd't get rid of physical symptoms with trying to be rational.

Hope it gets better, stil early days for you?

24-06-12, 16:38
Thanks everyone

Glad it's not just me then!

I hate feeling like this, just wish there was a way to overcome these feelings. I'm starting counselling next week, not holiding out much hope but I'm willing to try anything so I don't have to keep feeling like this.

Hugs to you all x

24-06-12, 20:45

For me always worse in the mornings. Serotonin levels are at their lowest.