View Full Version : Diverticulitis - UPDATE

24-06-12, 14:11

The antibiotics took their toll on my body and I had to go to the out of hours dr's last night who told me to stop taking them as I was suffering the bad side effects.

I asked him if the infection would return and he just said he didn't know, but that I couldn't continue taking them and feel so poorly! I felt a bit of anxiety creeping in and it must of showed on my face:huh:

He then asked what my diet was like and then went on to say about the gut being like a 2nd brain and what we eat affects our mental state, his example was this... when we suffer anxiety we feel it first in our gut ie sickness etc...he was such an interesting dr and what he was saying made perfect sense.

I'm going to give the diets he recommended me a go and see how I get on, maybe then if I fix my gut I will be able to put this HA to bed for good!

I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to mention certain books and diets on NMP, maybe if you read this Nic you could let me know:)

I'm still worrying that the infection will return, but I'm hoping that all the ones I had iv in hospital and the ones I did manage to get down my neck will have done the job.

Here's hoping!
Trish x

24-06-12, 15:26
Diverticulitis can be horrible! My nan suffers from it. Once something popped inside to do with the diverticulitis and she was rushed into hospital. She's completely fine now but she gets bouts of it every now and then, it normally clears up within a few days of having a good diet. A lot of the time she will pass blood too.

I would not worry about it :)

24-06-12, 16:11
It is fine to mention them Trish.

I am betting it was the metronidazole that made you feel so ill as it does with me too.

24-06-12, 17:27
It was both the Metronidazole and the Ciprofloxacin Nic, the dr called them 'dirty' antibiotics and said they were very strong ones that had a whole host of side effects...of which I think I had them all:huh:!!!

My face was full of pins & needles as were my feet, my throat is sore on one side & different pains just about everywhere, and one especially that is on the upper right of my stomach, if I didn't know any better I would have thought it was my gallbladder, and yet I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago! I can't wait until they are out of my system.

The book that the dr mentioned is called Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell McBride and one of the diets is The Stone Age Diet...

Thanks Nic and I hope they help members of the forum:)

Trish x