View Full Version : Head problems - Worried about Tumour or Haemorrage

24-06-12, 15:19
On Friday afternoon, I started having sharp shooting stabbing kind of pains in the left side of my head, this is happening quite often and it is quite painful too!

Not only that but I am getting pain in my left cheek/cheekbone plus I have had quite a stiff neck for the last few days, although I can put my chin on my chest.

I did have some toothache the other day although I don't think that could be causing this kind of pain in the head.

If it was a Haemorrage would you be dead within 48 hours?

Worried about that and a possible Tumour or Anyuerism.

I'm hoping it's down to a migraine or something but I'm really worried, I keep sitting here thinking if i don't get to a doctor soon I might collapse and die.

24-06-12, 15:23
I get these ALL the time! It's always in a similar place, a sharp shooting pain. A lot of the time after I get the shooting pain, the area inside my eye and sometimes around my temple will feel weird.

I told my doctor and she said it's nothing to be concerned about, but didn't actually tell me what it is :/.

I'm pretty sure they are something called "ice pick headaches" and are induced by anxiety. Most of the time I get these when I'm tense and have been anxious.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. You'll know if its something worse.