View Full Version : Anxiety rising recently, advise?

Mad Medic
24-06-12, 15:41
Hi all,

It's been quite a while since I've posted on here, but it helped before and so here goes again.

I've been largely panic free for about a year now, on 40mg Citalopram and post-CBT (meds were more helpful than the therapy).

Just recently I've noticed the anxiety creeping back again. Admittedly I have alot on my plate at the moment (Uni exams, upcoming travel abroad, starting my new job in under a year, and I'm best man at a friends wedding in a year!) but I find I can cope better if I have a backup plan.

Do I nip this in the bud now? Perhaps increase Citalopram dose? Change meds? Counselling? More CBT? I'm really not sure where to go. I could cancel the best man thing, which is winding me up right now but I'd hate to dissapoint my friend. Im sure he'd understand though.

Just wondered if anyone has any thoughts.

Kind regards,


Mad Medic
27-06-12, 13:30

28-06-12, 01:06
I'm sorry to hear that your having a rough time. My anxiety has seemed to crop up over the past month and it's really becoming a problem. I went to my doctor twice in the past 2 weeks with palpitations and trembling. Finally decided my cymbalta that I've been on for 3 years just isn't working anymore. Today I started my tapering off and will be starting prozac in 2 weeks. We upped my xanax to .5 and I am going to go back to seeing a psychologist.
So maybe a med change would be a good idea, or just a dosage bump.

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Take one thing at a time and remember your mental health is more important than any trips or exams.

Its funny that you mention weddings, I am getting married in November and I don't feel stressed about it, but maybe I am internally. :)

30-06-12, 15:52
just try to take one thing at a time, just focus on the event you are in that moment, than when it passes focus on the next one, i always try to do this. we anxiety sufferers tend to focus more on the future. and that fuels more anxiety. but i know how you feel.

30-06-12, 16:01
I hear you totally, as for the past 5 years I have not been on any daily meds.. only my Ativan when needed.. and the past couple of months have had my anxiety come back full force.. and I know major life stressors triggered it. I hate taking daily meds and have found the side effects worse than anything.. so was ambivalent with going on daily meds again. My doctor prescribed me Cipralex, and today is my first day on it. I think when you have a dperessive or anxiety disorder or condition, it comes and goes. But if you are gettinf various treatments that you know work, and you said you have a lot of things on your plate, try to cut down if you can how much you have to do. Take things one step at a time,,, one thing at a time. I find if I keep obssessing over everything I need to do, and all the stress, it overwhelms me, and my anxiety goes up. Writing and/or talking about how you feel also helps a lot. And take time out for yourself.. if you paint, write, read, even watch your favourite show on tv... walk, anything that keeps your mind off of stress anxiety and other things...then do it.