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24-06-12, 16:53
Im a little overweight and have noticed this for a while, though im sure its nothing. On my collarbone (both sides) i feel like squishy pieces of fat. it isnt oval and it doesnt have a shape. it does NOT feel like a lymph node ive ever had/seen. its extremely squishy and it moves in all directions which makes me think its just natural fat and nothing to worry about, but we all know how HA works.

Does anyone else feel this?



24-06-12, 22:36
anyone? lol i dont wanna resort to dr. google!

24-06-12, 22:43
I wouldn't worry if it is on both sides xx

24-06-12, 23:14
I second that :)

24-06-12, 23:21
hi guys,my names lee and ive had health anxiety now for around 5 years n i get new " im going to die " feelings everyday.even going to work is a struggle (im a lorry driver) im only 25 years old with a young wife and 2 children.any advice to help me live abit better?

24-06-12, 23:29
Hiya Lee, I'm only 27 myself but have had anxiety for 11 years now although it comes in bouts I havn't suffered the whole time thank god in fact I had been anxiety free for the past 9 yrs! Are you taking any meds? And have you had therapy? Both are really helpfull, I know you said you find it hard to go to work but the fact that you actually do is amazing to me, when i'm low I find it hard to even go out at all so don't be so hard on yourself your doing a lot better than me! I also have 2 young children at home so I know how hard that is, were all going through a similar thing here so your def not alone, here if you need a chat ;-)

24-06-12, 23:38
yea for a strange reason i feel safe at work,i was in the army for 5 years before the job i have now.i was sent to afghanistan in 2009 and when i came back from my 6 month tour i started getting panic attacks.im not gonna lie i shit myself lol but my military doctor sent my to the hospital for a week where i stayed and had all the tests under the sun just to show me it was just down to panic.oh and yes im taking 40mg of propananol (beta blocker) which do help but are not great.now i just live day to day life feeling shit but getting on with it hoping one day its gonna go away n thats how i get though it really:yesyes:

25-06-12, 00:15
Ahhh I see, when I was finally diagnossed with anxiety after having sooo many tests I went to see a phsyciatrist who explaned the whole its all in your head thing he set me challanges to show me that it was due to my anxiety and thier was actually nothing wrong with me! I dicided then that if this was true then i'd just get on with things and I did it worked so well I had one bad bout after that but again saw that the feelings would go when I wasn't concentrating on them so again moved on, I did fine for 9 years and I hardly ever had symptoms apart from dizziness and palps but I got used to them and they no longer scared me and still don't really. It was only that a week or so ago I had a real scare that made me get like this again, I'd had a bad cough for 3+ wks and was really worried, I went to a walk in centre and saw a doc who listened ti my chest and said You have COPD (Enphacema) and if you don't stop smoking you will die!!! OMG can you imagen? I was terrified so I went to my own doc in complete panic and he said it couldn't be diagnoased just by listening to my chest and sent me for the proper test which was negative thank god! But I then worried what I did have and why it had lasted so long the doc did say that he could hear smoking related noises on my chest, my sis said that it was probably bronchitis she'd had it twice.as a smoker, so I stupidly googled it and it said thier were two types one which is acute and harmless and the other chronic which is reocurring 3 times yearly and would scar the lungs and cause breathing difficulties! So now although I have since stopped smoking I am still terrified that it will still come back again and again :-( so my anxiety meds have been doubled and i am going back for therapy, hopefully it wont come back and I can get out of this hell once and for all! Sorry about the spelling not my best subject lol :-)

---------- Post added at 00:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------

You should go to your doc and either get your meds changed or get put on a higher dose and think about therapy its amazing you don't have to live like this thaeres ways of making it managable :-)

25-06-12, 00:16
i would of punched the doctor square in the head lol n nah **** all scares me anymore.just thought id come here n see if there was anyone else having my feeling lol there all common as muck lool oh and of course to talk to all you lovely ladies lol:D

25-06-12, 00:23
Lol beleive me when i'm more myself i'l be paying her a little visit I was almost completely off my meds and thanks to her i'm now on double than I ever have been! Well there's loads of us all in one bloody big boat on here and plenty of lovely ladies lol, really hope you manage to get over ur anxiety here if u need a chat :)