View Full Version : disossiation...HELP!!!!!!! I'm feeling AWFUL!

14-07-06, 12:09
I am in a terrible state right now, I feel so STUCK and hopeless :(
Does anyone know how to cope with disossiation, trance-like states? Every single time I go to the supermarket I become totally worked up, because I go into a trance-like state....it really feels like my mind is foggy and clouded, I feel I am just on auto pilot...cannot even make proper conversations, my mind stops functioning. It scares me soo much because I feel that its getting more and more frequent. Im so worried about this, because apparently dissociation is a sign of real mental illness....is insanity knocking on my door??? How can I cope with this? Will this ever go away?

Another thing that worries me is that I think I'm depressed too :( Been thinking of my life and I feel so worthless. I have always been a shy person and lack of confidence has accompanied me all my life. I feel inferior to everyone :( People at work, friends, family...I think I just feel like a weak person. I feel Im a prisoner of myself. :( Sorry to be rambling on... oh that just reminded me of something that happened to me yesterday. There was a lady shopping for dvds at the shop where I work and she was a nice scandinavian lady and she noticed me saying sorry for EVERYTHING! She said to me...why do you say sorry for even things that are NOT your fault?!...for instance we didn't have one dvd on stock and so I said sorry for that...and that made me feel so embarassed and AGAIn inferior...like how useless I really am for not even be able to realise for myself that Im saying sorry for no reason. That just enhanced my feeling of worthlessness because deep inside I feel like I know these things but I just can never get things right...See?! I couln't even write my topic properly....[:I]

" The solution to a problem is right through it..."

14-07-06, 12:55
Aw hun don't put yourself down. You wrote your topic fine don't worry. I am like you, I constantly say sorry quite a lot of the time and I keep saying to people have I annoyed you? I realise at times that I am doing it but I just can't help it. You are not worthless mate, you just need to keep staying positive and don't let all this get you down, one day you will be a lot happier. [^] Just keep being positive, you can beat this depression.

x x

14-07-06, 19:17
I know exactly what you're talking about. I constantly feel like I'm not real and just not there. But I have once before recovered from panic and found that once I got to where I didn't get panic attacks, I wasn't afraid of the derealization. I would occassionally still get it but I had reached a point where I just recognized it for what it was and then moved on. Didn't even frighten me then. Exact same feeling that used to bring on so much panic. Now I'm fearing them again but believe that once I again stop getting the panic on such a regular basis that I will see them for what they are. Just some weird feelings that have no significance other than to let me know that my nervous system is a bit overtaxed right now. ANd with time and exposure practice, it will clear up just like it did years ago.

As to the feeling bad for apologizing. I wouldn't feel bad for it at all. People greatly misunderstand such things. If my friend tells me her cat has died, I might say 'I"m sorry' and no one would come to the conclusion that I felt at fault. THey would understand that I am merely expressing that I am sorry that the situation has occured. But for some reason when one is speaking of more mundane matters, everyone thinks you're some sort of door mat if you say 'I'm sorry'. You're not saying that it's somehow your fault that hte store doesn't carry that DVD, you're just expressing sympathy for the person's situation. Which is good customer service! This doesn't make you an inferior person, it just means that you are a very nice person who is emphatic to the needs of others. PLEASE do not let such silly people get you down. And feel free to pm me if you need to talk sometime!

polly daydream
14-07-06, 19:18
Hi hun, you are defo not going insane, insane people do not realise that they are insane, so stop thinking like that. You are also certainly not worthless, you say you may be suffering from depression, which if you are, alot of what you are feeling is very much related to being depressed. Stay positive and you will beat it, you are stronger than you think.

Take care,

Polly x

20-07-06, 14:13
Aww Hun I totally feel ya. I am having DP/DR bad lately and I have totally fought the feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness let me tell you it isn't easy. I feel like my anxiety has caused a big life change in me and I will never be able to see things the way I did before again. In some ways it is good but in others it is bad. I am scared to have dreams or want to take a vacation because of my DP I think that feeling unreal and spacey means something bad is gonna happen. Just take a deep breath and repeat. "It is just a thought" Sometimes that helps me. You are not alone and I promise it will get easier. If you need anything IM or PM me :-)

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

20-07-06, 17:31

i couple of months ago (5 or 6) i posted the same exact post as you, about being on autopilot, and spacing completely out, i then started to notice that it only happens, when im outside, surrounded with people or at school.
DP/DR only happens when you suddenly become nervous, or stressing the situation,you have to relax, nothing is going to happen to you in the supermarket or anywhere else, once you relax youll have DP/DR still but dont worry, and just dont pay attention..this is what i did, and i no longer feel like i am on autopilot.
if this makes you feel anybetter, i used to not be able to make conversation with people, it was a mixed feeling of, "i dont want to talk to them" ,"omg what if something happens to me in front of them", "what am i doing","who is this person"...as you can see, my brain was thinking and worrying so much that it caused me to space out..or it cause my brain to just shut off because of all the stress it is taking (this is how DR occurs).

as far as saying sorry all the time, what a silly thing to be worried about, i agree with runsFromBugs youre just a nice person, i wish there were more nice people like yourself in this world.

feel better,

20-07-06, 21:35
when i was really bad last year i took my husband to work and completely forgot the way home even though i go the same way every single day, i just went blank which bought on a panic attack which then blanked me out even worse