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View Full Version : What daily symptoms do you have?

24-06-12, 21:00
I've been posting a lot lately the answers have largely been what I expected. I was thinking if we had a group of people all get together and pitch in with what symptoms they get on a daily basis then people might not have to make posts and might not worry as much as a result. After all if we know other people have the same symptoms as us, it makes us more likely to believe it's just our HA playing tricks on us right? :)

I'll start below.

Head pressure
Joint pain
Short of breath
Heart palpitations
Feeling too warm or cold
Light headed
Weak in arms and legs
Very irritable bowels
Restless legs
Pain in chest
Pain around ribs

Anybody want to add more?

24-06-12, 21:09
Great post!
My symptoms on a daily basis are
Dizzyness- even when im not anxious!
Head pressue when i lay down at night!
Heart palps sometimes but nothing that really worrys me!
Shaky i get sometimes but dont no if this is anx or low blood sugar
Pain in ribs- again sometimes. x

24-06-12, 21:26
Shooting pains in left side of head.
Pressure behind left eye.
Chest pains.
Rib pains.
Left arm pains.
Tight chest.
Racing heart beat.
Joint pain.
Sometimes I get tingling in my my fingers accompanies with dizziness too.

24-06-12, 22:00
Thanks for posting guys. I do feel like this benefits everyone on the HA section. What's interesting is already, even with only 3 of us having posted, most of our symptoms are the same (even if worded differently or described more specifically). I think this shows that we are all anxious aardvarks.

24-06-12, 22:17
my symtoms are
Light headed ( feel like im not here )
palpitations ( really scare me )
pains in chest
head pressure /pain
left arm heavy or pins and needles
loss of appetite
tight chest
racing pulse

24-06-12, 22:34
Does anyone find that their symptoms effect one side more than the other?

For example, my chest feels tighter on the left side in comparison to the right side. My chest pains are usually more over to the left, and my ribs feel sore and achey on the left side but very rarely on the right side?

I don't know if this is just me :P

24-06-12, 22:35
hi :)
these i have a lot -
visual vertigo
i feel unbalanced - like ive had a drink or two
weak/jelly/no legs
chest/head adrenaline rushes or flushes
feelings of dread
random sharp pains anywhere on my body

these i have now and again -
ectopic beats/flutters/missed beats - i used to get this ALOT but over the years its now became occasional :)
inner trembling throughout my torso, seems to come and go every few months
muscle twitches (new)
slow pulse (new)
night sweats

24-06-12, 22:44
Does anyone find that their symptoms effect one side more than the other?

For example, my chest feels tighter on the left side in comparison to the right side. My chest pains are usually more over to the left, and my ribs feel sore and achey on the left side but very rarely on the right side?

I don't know if this is just me :P

I find I get chest pains and rib pain mostly on my left, and rarely ever on my right. Seems rather strange considering that my heart is on the left and I worry about my heart a lot lol. That's why I chalk it up to anxiety.

24-06-12, 22:49
I find I get chest pains and rib pain mostly on my left, and rarely ever on my right. Seems rather strange considering that my heart is on the left and I worry about my heart a lot lol. That's why I chalk it up to anxiety.

Yeah I'm exactly the same! I've had like, 3 ECG's done and an echocardiogram so I don't know why I'm worrying lol.

My chest feels tighter mainly on one side so I'm sitting here panicking that it's something like a collapsed lung or something -.-

I find it fascinating that we all get really similar symptoms. It's reassuring in a way.

25-06-12, 12:14
I think we all seek that reassurance. I recently had a full blood count and thyroid blood test and was anxiously awaiting the results. It's made me unable to eat and sleep properly. Finally got the results today and they came back all clear. I know for sure now that this is all in my head and I won't be seeking further tests. All I need to do now is keep up with my Citalopram and get some CBT sorted to get myself feeling better. We can all beat this if we put our minds to it!!

25-06-12, 12:30
pains in arms, heart palps, feeling hot/cold. restlessness, churning stomach, sick feeling, etc. it seems we are all similar in our anxiety symptoms. It is reassuring in a way.

25-06-12, 22:30
All the above with the runs just to make my daily life just a little more crap :D

26-06-12, 13:47
I go through spells of a continous symptom, which then goes to be replaced by another.

They are:

One sided tingly/pins & needles left side
Tight Chest
Pain under left breast
Sinus Pain
Neck ache


26-06-12, 14:12
This site could not have come to me at a better time!

I feel generally weaker in my left arm..and left side of face
Always pressure behind left eye, left side of head (my doc has told me i have neuralgia in the face that anxiety makes much worse) but i always convince myself it will turn into ms.. or a blood vessel in my head will burst.
I have a dizzy spell from time to time, but have a constant feeling of unbalance.
trmors and shakes.
Burning sensations on forehead.
needing to go to the toilet alot.
un able to concerntrate..feeling overwhelmed.. need to get out of whatever im doing right now otherwise i will die!

wow feels good to get it out

26-06-12, 17:29
today i feel awful , feel real unsteady like i am going to faint , feel like i am not really here and that this is all a bad dream .. my eyes feel real heavy and tired even though i have slept on and off all day .. i just feel very scared like i want to shout for help !
does this sound familiar to anybody ? xx
also my body is very achy and i am scared i am really ill x:weep:

27-06-12, 11:32
This is a brilliant thread. Sometimes when you read the forum you find a post about some symptom and it makes you feel better then you have that niggling voice start up a few hours later saying "yeah but does everyone else have symptoms every day" and then you start convincing yourself your symptoms are worse and life-threatening. It's reassuring to see how many of us have similar symptoms and have them a lot.

On a daily basis I have:

light headedness
slight feeling of unbalance

Less regularly I have:
tingly feelings
dry eyes
raised/swollen glands
shallow breathing
racing heart

27-06-12, 12:53
Pain in left arm
Chest pain again on the left
Head aches
Visual disturbance dots in sight etc

27-06-12, 21:01
I have breast sensitivity and pain mainly on the left side been going on a while so have a Dr appointment next week.
Numbness down left arm
temperature changes
Wobbly legs

struggling with symptoms a bit, convinced I have breast cancer !!!!!

I am only getting through each day by telling myself I am overeacting, and using my CBT techniques.
It is hard !!
I hate my Health anxiety but I wont let it beat me !!!!

27-06-12, 21:57
I've been doin great over the last few weeks, working hard to conquer this anxiety beast. But then today, out of the blue my scalp went all goosebumpy from the back of my head over the top and down my cheek, but only on my left side!!!! It went as quick as it came but it has really frightened me and I feel that spiral of doom happening again and I so want to make it stop. When I was at my worst with anxiety I had goosebumps down my left leg 20/30 times a day, but that has stopped now. Does anyone else have goosbumps. Always on the left side. Please help me or reassure.

27-06-12, 22:30
My symptoms areFatigue
No appetite
Chest pains
Can't think straight
Excessive gas
Short tempered
Neck muscle pains
Weak pulse
Racing pulse
My god I'm a rite demic lol

28-06-12, 11:16
Daily I have dizzy lightheaded feeling, head pressure ..... Clumsy hands/arms.... Heavy arms ..... :(

29-06-12, 11:07
I'm finding things hard right now with the following.
Really tired even after sleep
Weak feeling in body as if low blood sugar
Feeling sick or if anything touched back of my throat I'd vomit
Lack of appeitite
Needing the toilet a lot
General unhappy feelings

Any others recognise this?

29-06-12, 11:14
Not sleeping well
feeling weak after sleep
lack of appetite in the morning
going often in the toilet

Matt King
30-06-12, 08:11
It varies really. I go through stages of it being worse for a few days and then not so bad.

Usually though:
Sinking feeling
Body jerks, arm randomly twitches etc. Both usually when i'm trying to sleep.
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Low mood
Heart palpitations (usually only when i drink caffeine now)
Tight throat/lump in throat
Tight chest

Used to get:
Numb feeling in left arm, almost like it wasn't there.
Weak feeling in legs
Muscle in chest twitching, enough to be noticed through t shirt
Over awareness of heart beat/pulse
Feeling dreamy/spaced out
Shooting pain down left arm
Plus a lot more i can't recall.

I put a lot of the last few down to originally giving up smoking, when i occasionally smoke again and go through withdrawal symptoms again they come back.

Things have been so much better since i've been 100% certain it's all anxiety and just accepted it. Also focusing on other things than anxiety, socializing is brilliant. It's hard to feel social when you think you're dying but it's amazing to see how care free and symptom free you are after relaxing with friends :)

Symptoms do go/get better guys. Health anxiety does get better :D

01-07-12, 10:38
I get......
Lump in throat
Upper back pain
Chest pain
Acid reflux/heartburn
Stomach pains
Obsessive swallowing occasionally
Depression/ negative thoughts
Tired even after 8 hours sleep

25-02-15, 14:23
All of the above!! Just finished 8 sessions of CBT and it really does help you accept that it is all anxiety. Symptoms come and go and randomly change still, but its all much more manageable and acceptable after cbt.

There is one symptom i've never really thought to ask about partly because it's quite hard to describe:

Best way i can put it is - it's almost like your lung(s) very suddenly and quickly deflate (like a ballon would) which makes you think it is forcing you to expell air from your mouth. That happens and then the momentary panic can suddenly make you feel the need to gasp for breath (like you need to inhale). It can then result in you hypoventilating. Im not too sure if this is the common symptom of the onset of hypo or if its something completely different and hypo starts from the resulting panic.

Anyone know what i mean?

25-02-15, 16:01
I'll add mine in too!

Floor moving - i had this so badly the other day walking to work, it really scared me
Tinnitus - but had my whole life
Floaters in left eye
Pressure and pain in left eye
Pain in body - nerve type pain
Muscle burning feeling and heavy arm and legs sometimes
Burning on skin
Pins and needles all the time
White spots in eye
Blurry vision
Dry eyes - which i think causes the blurry vision
Feeling confused

I think i have more, but those are what spring to mind at the moment...

It's crap! I hate it and i am hoping it will go soon :-(

26-02-15, 19:21
Shortness of breath
Joint pain
Throat and jaw pain
Digestive issues and pain

27-02-15, 16:50
Good thread!!

I'm currently feeling bad with my anxiety and I get:

Dizziness (it's not as strong as dizzy, more light-headed perhaps)
No energy
Pain in right breast
Feeling of impending doom
Cannot live or properly enjoy the present as always thinking "what if?"

27-02-15, 16:59
The feeling of the floor moving
Head pressure
Stomach churning
Muscle aches
Hot/cold sweats
Vision going funny
Ringing in ears
Tickling sensations on my skin

Such fun.........,

27-02-15, 17:07
This is a three year old thread that got revived. While I think it's comforting to a degree to share your symptoms and know you're not alone, I also feel strongly that a thread like this causes you to think about and dwell of your symptoms as opposed to doing something to treat and alleviate the anxiety that's causing them.

So... what are you doing to treat the anxiety?

Positive thoughts

27-02-15, 17:08
Thumping fast heart
Churning stomach
Heavy feeling arms and legs
Always tired
Night sweats
Tingling fingers

It's a lovely illness!!!