View Full Version : I hate mornings!

25-06-12, 08:21
I absolutely hate mornings, I wake up every morning in complete panic! This is also the same time my 4 yr old and 17 mnth old wake up. It's so hard I do the things I should do for them, (change bums, breakfast,wash and dress them) but the whole time i'm terrified! It takes so much effort to hold my desperate tears back. I't seems to improve to a managable level as the day turns to evening but I dread waking up to the same dreaded feelings the next morning! Does anyone else feel this and can anything be done to help? I feel so desperate :weep:

25-06-12, 09:16
I know how you feel, I wake up feeling a sinking feeling and my heart racing, and I feel I can't focus on the children. It takes all my energy to try and drag myself out of the spiralling thoughts. I find putting the radio on helps as it is a distraction. I also find it eases up somewhat as the day geos on. Have you had any treatment for your anxiety?

25-06-12, 09:16
Yeah I had bad mornings before too, I think it takes a lot of time and patience.. at end when you look better - there is not even reason to panic. Don't be afraid of it, accept it. Say at night to yourself - I will tomorrow wake up panicky? So what? It's just a new day. Day by day you will forget one day that you even had bad mornings :P

25-06-12, 10:23
Mornings can be harder when you have anxiety especially when there is so much to do, it can be so over whelming. What might help you is to have a set plan for doing every thing. For example as soon as baby wakes up change nappy, feed both kids, get them washed and dressed and then your self or you could even make sure you get up earlier then them and get washed and dressed yourself first and then set every thing out you need and then sort the kids out. I don't know if you do this any way but I always find planning things eases on my anxiety xx

25-06-12, 10:30
I know how you feel. I wake up feeling ok. Then BAM a wave of panic hits and anxiety is there for the day. I think that I struggle with my girls in the morning and end up sounding like a fish wife because I am so worried about leaving them. :( x

25-06-12, 11:20
I am taking effexor which has just been put up from 37.5 to 150mg a week ago, I'm also waiting to hear from the mental health team for cbt, I do the same routine every day, I'm so scared I feel like thay should just lock me away, my kids and family don't deserve this I can't bare to put them through this, my poor mum she's so worried i'm afraid of making her ill, i'm stuck with no way out and I don't know what to do! :'(