View Full Version : drug merry go round

14-07-06, 17:43
More therapy please less drugs,do people realise that drugs dont cure all,they are ok short term as a stop gap but they just mask symptoms not cure them?.
Then if you do stay on them long term you could face a bad ,lenghty withdrawal that has main symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks,and that most drugs given for so called anxiety actually cause anxiety?.
Sorry im not trying to put peeps off just wanting to give out facts,so what happens when you want to come off the drugs? because they only cover up not cure symptoms what happens then? and if with withdrawal? you end up on more drugs and so goes the drugs merry go round.
There are lots of therapies available,although lenghty waiting lists,that learn you how to cope better with panic and anxiety you will never get rid of it or you wouldn,t be human its natural to feel anxious and panic ,just at the right times,its all about learning to master it not beat it so you can lead full lives again.Like i said some peeps cannot cope without meds i understand this,but please think long and hard now the tru facts of drugs are out ,i wish i knew then what i know now i would never of gone down the drug road worst mistake of my life,
thanks for listening,and good luck to all of you

14-07-06, 19:40
Hi buxy99,
I don't think anyone could take your post the wrong way, you make a good point.
Best of luck to you too

15-07-06, 08:49
thanks magz,it hurts to see so many peeps being hurt and lives ruined by these drugs,big pharma just want new labels such as gad ect ect to sell thier faulty drugs,i do understand some peeps do need them but im sorry docs are well over prescribing them.
Before drugs i had medical physical probs that caused the odd panic attack ,i have now been off a drug i was left on for 6 years for 22 months and have symptoms i could not put into words,all i will say is prior to drugs i never ever questioned my sanity,i have now for 22 months since the drugs altered my brain chemistry,heres hoping my brain will get back to its origional balance