View Full Version : So frightened. Can't stop crying

25-06-12, 10:26
I am in such a state right now. After feeling sick and having tummy cramps for the last 3 weeks. I finally went to the docs last wed and she did a pelvic exam which she said was fine and I did a urine test. As soon as she saw the specimen she said it looked like an infection and a dipstick confirmed this. I was prescribed Trimor something and within a few hours of taking it felt weak, dizzy and worse. The next day I phoned the doc again and she said I may be having a reaction to meds. I carried on taking it and then went into see her. She prescribed me some different antibiotics.

When I got home I thought I felt a bit better so kept taking the Trim. On day 5 and still feel horrible. My lower left abdomen is sore and my left lower back. I feel weak and nauseous and scared out of my brain. My husband has had to take time off work as I am a wreck. He has to look after my 4 year old as every time I look at her I feel so sad that I may not see her grow up! It's unbearable.

I suffer from HA and have done for 3 years ish. I am 38 and have two daughters age 7 & 4. I have just been on the phone to my sis and she is coming to the docs with me later. I hate going to the docs. They know I have HA and I feel embarrassed and a fake and worry they won't take me seriously. My main fear is ovarian cancer and that it is undetected. I have had a scan for this a year ago and all was fine but who's to say I haven't got it now!

Go I sound like such a nutter. I wish I could just be normal. My husband says. You have a diagnosed urinary infection that's all! But in my mind I think well why haven't the first lot of antibiotics worked then?

Does anyone else feel like i do? I just really want to know if anyone has been in the same boat with a urinary infection. Has anyone had antibiotics not work before? I know that anxiety of worrying can make it all worse!

Please help. X

25-06-12, 10:31
Hi, you definitely don't sound like a nutter! Its the health anxiety! Some anti biotics won't work properly for some people and your dr would have said if they were worried your first lot didn't work. Also you need to give these new ones time to work because they haven't had long enough. Urine infections can do a lot to you! In the elderly they make them very confused and unwell! The pain you are experiencing sounds normal to me. But its good you are going to your drs again cos they will put your mind at rest xx

25-06-12, 10:48
Thanks for your reply. I just wish I could trust my doctor. I am always so scared she will miss something as she will just put it down to HA.

25-06-12, 18:58
I used to get URIs all the time and sometimes it would take two rounds of antibiotics to clear them up. I also had a horrible reaction to Trimethoprim as well. In my case it gave me the most horrendous headache. I haven't had a uti for years now, but they really do make you feel awful so you have my sympathy. If you had a scan last year, the chances of you having OC are virtually nil, but I know it's a horrible one for us HAers as it is one of those things that can show such vague symptoms. Once you get your UTI under control I am sure you'll feel much better x

25-06-12, 19:45

I just wanted to let you know that a couple of years ago I had a UTI which took three different lots of antibiotics to clear and I had all the symptoms you are describing.

OC is one of my many HA fears so I was also thinking along those lines.

I did a lot of reading on it at the time and apparently the antibiotics they use for UTI's are ones they we become immune to pretty quickly, I'd only had them once before and the second time they didn't work. They gave me another lot and although I got some relief it still didn't clear so I had a third lot and I also purchased a natural product from a clinic which is the only thing I use now for UTI's, purely because there is a lot written about how immune we are becoming to the antibiotics they use, particulary for UTI's.

Don't worry sounds like you just have a nasty infection and I'm sure once you get the right antibiotics it will clear up :yesyes:


25-06-12, 20:09
Hi. Oh thanks so much for your reply. That does help me a lot. Been in such a state today. My poor husband, kids, sister (who I dragged along to the docs) and mum!

I am on my first day of new antibiotics but still have lower left side abdominal pain, pretty bad back pain, leg pain and occasional nausea. I do wonder if all the back and leg pain is due to tension and anxiety? I try to relax but the tension never leaves me. I am working tomorrow and have no idea how I will concentrate.

My urine results should be back in tomorrow so I should see if I am on the right antibiotics. The doc wants me to do another sample in a week to check it has cleared. I am worried that if the UTI has cleared and I still have pain what could it be?!!

I have had a diagnosed UTI from a urine test. Surely that would mean I haven't got OC?

Sorry for ranting. Typing this on my iPhone and can't seem to scroll up and check so hope makes sense

Thanks for everyones advice. I appreciate it solo much X

27-06-12, 16:35
Hi Melon

How you feeling?

I think if you have actually had a test that says it's a UTI you can put your OC fears to one side.

UTI's are horrible and I always find when I have one the symptoms seem to take ages to go even when the infection has cleared.

I really wouldn't worry, if the symptoms are worsening and you have a temperature then I would get yourself checked again as they are nasty little things and can sometimes spread to the kidneys, but if you are feeing better and just have mild symptoms it's probably just everything is still a bit inflamed and is taking a while to get back to normal. Also as you said the anxiety is probably contributing.

Hugs x