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View Full Version : Working a 9 hour shift tomorrow and up at 7am and already stressing

25-06-12, 17:22
I hate long shifts and I hate early starts.
I've only ever done one 9 hour shift before and it was hell on earth, I don't sleep well, especially on the earlys and I'm afraid I will be in a state tomorrow.
Can anyone help? Any tips before I call in sick? :(

25-06-12, 22:27
Give yourself small chunks to aim for - just focus on getting through it one hour at a time, rather than focusing on the whole lot. Small drinks of water, nip outside for fresh air if you can, etc. Think of the other times you've felt anxious and achieved it - you can do this! This time tomorrow it'll be over. Let us know how it goes. X

25-06-12, 22:37
You should be allowed breaks, make the most of them, rest a bit, review how you are doing, and have some good nice food. You wil get used to long shifts like these, I quickly got used to 7 - 9 hour shifts as a kitchen porter even though the first few days were horrid. Your body can adjust to anything. Keep at it and let yourself get used to it.

25-06-12, 23:00
Hey yeah u will be fine I do 9 hour shifts everyday try packing everything the night before so u got it all ready food meds drinks etc maybe take a book to read on your lunch drink plenty of water :) it gets easier x