View Full Version : It was going well until...

25-06-12, 17:41
As you know I have going through a bad spell with HA mainly constant headache. Went back to my osteopath this morning who worked wonders and even did some acupuncture and the headache disappeared :-). Then this evening my mum phones and says I really need a brain scan!! Arrrrr

Surely I don't, as my headache has gone, I just got it into my head that it was tension :-(

26-06-12, 07:22
Since last night I have strange sensations down my left side. Pins and needles feeling in my arm and left leg! Is this HA?

26-06-12, 11:08
For about the first 8 months of my HA I had the most intense pressure in my head that you could imagine. I had really bad headaches quite frequently but it was this unrelenting tension that really got to me. If you check out my thread here http://nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=116993 you'll see that many people get your symptoms and many people also get the majority of their symptoms down one side of their body (me included). Read the symptoms that people have posted and then post yours. You likely share a lot of the symptoms with people anyway.

Also if I may ask, why does your mum want you to get a brain scan?

26-06-12, 13:45
Thanks for that I will take a look and share. I think to be honest that alot of HA comes from my mother! I do believe she has it but hides her very well with drink. Oh wow, that is the first time I have ever said that. Thank you for replying

26-06-12, 14:40
If it helps, I have endless tension and pain in my head and neck as well. Only listen to your mom if she is a medical professional. You've been seen by a doc, and it seems they are helping which is great.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

Also just to add - I was raised by a mother with bad health anxiety (hence my own) and I truly believe the way we are raised influences our beliefs as adults. It's very difficult to overcome!