View Full Version : lifes up in the air

25-06-12, 19:09
hi guys
does any one feel like this sometimes i feel as someones got hold of my day and chucked it up in the air i feel like i cant think stright like confused im not on meds . i did get up this morn and i felt like i was on a boat my balance was all over the place . i did panic a bit i went back to bed i realy wanted to stay there but i had to get to work but then iv had this feeling all day i keep thinking iv got dementia comeing on. im a 50 yr old male

26-06-12, 17:17
is there no one out there thats had this

26-06-12, 21:03
Yes I've had this before last year I'm 26, it was awful and lasted about two weeks and even when I was sitting down everything was moveing like i was on a boat. My doctor said it was anxiety its a horrible symptom I didn't even beleive my doctor at the time. I did get it on and off for a while but thankfully it did completely stop. Hope your feeling better now xx