View Full Version : Fed up with reaccuring anxeity

26-06-12, 06:45
Suffered with anxiety and panic attacks since I had my daughter nearly nine years ago. Had thearpy and medication in the past which has worked. Been fine for over a year with no meds and all off a sudden the anxiety has come back and have no idea why!

26-06-12, 07:05
Hi nicolamitchley

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-06-12, 08:28
Hi nicolamitchley,
I hadn't had one for 8 months before I started CBT and exposure for a phobia and now I'm having lots. I've been reading heaps and found Dr. Claire Weekes wonderful. She says not to be surprised if a flash of panic hits you even years later, not to be bewildered and it doesn't mean you're back to square one. She had anxiety herself so wrote from experience and her books and recordings are very comforting and hopeful. That's all I can offer I'm afraid as I'm probably at my all-time worst! Good luck.

26-06-12, 12:24
What therapy and meds have you had?
If it reccurs after CBT, too often it is slipping back into negetive thought patterns - catastrophisation - what ifs - which need to be "caught" and dealt with quickly.