View Full Version : Anxiety? Really?

26-06-12, 10:14
Hi All

I've been suffering from anxiety and panic disorders for a number of years now but yesterday it happened in the worse way yet. I'm now wondering if it is really anxiety or something else?

The symptoms are almost constant; blurred vision (sometimes i feel like i'm going blind), dizzy/light-headed, detached, mouth ulcers, tiredness, nausea, twitchy, lots of blinking, restlessness (I cant stay still, I'm forever touching my face). I find it hard to focus on a task. It's difficult to get to sleep. Sometimes i feel like i am going to pass out....or worse. My breathing is irratic, I dont really pant, it just becomes irregular. I FEEL LIKE I'M LOSING MY MIND!!

Can anyone relate to this? Is this really Generalised Anxiety? HELP!!

Thank you

26-06-12, 10:28
Hi 6harvs6

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-06-12, 10:35
Have you seen a doctor


26-06-12, 11:42
Hi Joy

Yes, I have seen doctors many times in the past and I am also seeing one this evening. They have told me that it's panic/anxiety. I have been on various pills and have had CBT. To be honest this has worked to control it in the past to a degree (never been rid of it entirely though) but right now it is not working.

26-06-12, 15:50
I can definatly relate to all of those symptoms you stated, iv had them all. When i saw my gp about my anxiety he said this to me ... when you have anxiety, and you get an idea in your mind your body makes those symptoms real. because you genuinely believe there is a problem. so every single symptom of the ilness you are thinking of becomes a real symptom but the ilness isnt there. if that makes any sense.

And its so true! i try keep this in mind when i know im panicking about something x

26-06-12, 16:19
have you ever had any success with medications/therapies??


26-06-12, 16:22
I personally prefer not to take medications, i just take the herbal remedies.
At one point my anxiety was so bad, i was seeing flashing lights in front of my eyes, and my dizzxiness got so bad on occasions it was like someone hit me on the side of the head and i was falling with a right thud. xx its awful how anxiety can make us feel xx

26-06-12, 16:25
I also can relate all the symptoms you are experiencing to my own anxiety/panic. Have you tried any deep relaxation when your feeling like this. It can be very difficult to do when your feeling like this but with practice becomes easier.

26-06-12, 16:45
I really wish I could relax. I'm trying various methods at the moment. So hard to keep focus.

26-06-12, 17:42
Yeah it is very difficult when you are feeling like this when its hard to keep focus and your mind is racing.

26-06-12, 17:58
Hi 6harvs6,

I can also relate to all your symptoms, its so distressing at times. At the moment I have just come off mirtazipine, was feeling no better on them so could not see the point in continuing, am having a hard time at the moment, but am going to persevere & put up with the withdrawl symptoms, at least I feel I am in control of things, just not sure how long they last.

27-06-12, 10:44
I feel very similar.....what happens when all the methods fail - medication, cbt, swimming, relaxation, volunteering, cinema? life?!!! I can't relax unless im doing nothing and that makes the whole thing worse because starting again gets very hard. I feel like a useless rock in an ocean of movement. what do you do when alll treatments fail!?

27-06-12, 12:59

Yes this is very normal as when i have panic attacks/anxiety this is what i get, i have uclers on the back on my mouth now and the doctor told me its caused by stress and to get a mouthwash from the chemist which is around £4...I always get these feelings, and the breathing is the worst one for me!! I also feel like i can never take in a deep breathe! and i always feel as if its not anxiety and its just that i am going to die!

Best Wishes! x