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26-06-12, 13:35
Hi all. I am 27 and have been suffering with anxiety for around 6 years. It all started with a drug experience gone bad.

It's been a rollercoaster ride, that's for sure. From the initial panic attacks and feeling like I would never feel happy again, to eventually leaving those fears behind me, to emigrating, getting married and having a beautiful daughter, and back to anxiety (mostly health anxiety, thanks google) and panic attacks again over the last days.

What seems to have triggered it this time was a night of drinking, probably the first night of heavy drinking since my university days. The next day my stools were black (sorry for tmi) and, you guessed it, google and panic followed. I have always had mild stomach problems - diagnosed with gastritis in the past and I often have IBS like symptoms. My dad died from colon cancer at 55.

I went to see my doctor who thinks it's gastritis too this time and prescribed me omeprazole and an antispasmodic. He hardly examined me, so fears of having a peptic ulcer about to burst were hardly put to rest.

Anyway I came back home and after fighting with myself for a couple of hours I fell asleep. However, after a couple of hours I experienced what was probably a panic attack, but I've never felt a panic attack like this before. I woke up and just jumped out of bed, heart racing like it's never been before and feeling like I was about to die. I took a taxi and went to the ER. After a blood test and a rectal exam I was told everything seems normal and to just keep doing the omeprazole, the antispasmodic and the bland diet. I asked about my heart beating so fast but the doctor told me it was just stress related. He told me I should do an endoscopy when I have the chance.

Back home again I finally went to sleep quickly, woke up feeling very calm in the morning. Took my medication, ate, and a couple of hours later heart racing again, shaking, etc. At this point my brain starts thinking if these are really panic attacks or if it's side effect from the omeprazole or antispasmodic? I've never felt such strong symptoms before.

Back to googling, pounding heart listed as a serious side effect of omeprazole. Finally register on No More Panic...

Also quite stressed about having an endoscopy as the doctor mentioned a general anesthesia! Is it really necessary? Another stress factor is me being alone in a big foreign city, although I have been here for 2 years, as my wife, daughter and mother in law have gone on holiday for a couple of weeks. Which also stresses me out, thinking if they're ok out there.

So quite a lot of stress as you can see, and with a real medical problem added to the mixture I don't feel able to cope at the moment :weep:

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this. It's quite a long (and possible boring) post.

26-06-12, 13:48
Hi Fearthainn

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-06-12, 19:27
I can understand where your worries stem from with the fact that your farther had Colon Cancer. IBS however is much more common especially in anxiety sufferers.
I had an Endoscopy without anesthetic, a little uncomfortable but more pleasant than a General.

28-06-12, 19:30
hello, I've been living with OCD and anxiety since I was a teenager but only recently got diagnosed. It is so difficult and scary. I have also never been on or used a website like this... I'm just looking for support anywhere I can find it. My OCD is almost purely obsessional and I have terrible sexual intrusive thoughts. Anyone else with this same problem?