View Full Version : Giving up the gaspers!!

14-07-06, 20:17
I suffer from health anxiety yet continue to abuse my body (eg.,smoking,drinking, not enuff exercise, eating too much of the wrong stuff) and so it's probably not surprising I have anxieties about my health!! Been smoking for 23 years or so and have given up for two days!!! Have had dreadful headaches, bad breath and dizziness but at least I feel like I'm working towards a more positive perception of health (I'll soon find something else to worry about). Am a bit worried that not smoking might bring on the panics again or perhaps smoking might be quite calming. Surely smoking just increases an already over stimulated body so it's got to be a good thing yeah? Some support/advice/tips would be gratefully received. Ta


15-07-06, 08:12
Hi Kay
Well done you for deciding to give up:D
My friend had acupuncture to help her - it cost £40 and she had a tiny metal ball put on her ear which she had to leave for 2 weeks. It did the business and now if she finds it hard, she just touches where the ball was and the craving goes.
love Helen

Will Loynes
15-07-06, 09:58
Hi Kay,
Well done for giving up, i'm sure that can't be easy after so many years. People that I know who have given up have often found it easier to replace this with something else. I wouldn't recomend trying to many things at once but have you thought about exercise, a college course or any other sort of hobby? This may help move your mind in a different direction, though I know this is sometimes easier said than done.
Good luck

15-07-06, 13:05
Hi Kay,

i am the same, knowing i have health anxiety and still continue to smoke, drink, no exercise, overweight. I gave up smoking for a few weeks (sounds silly but then i had my dog put to sleep and started again).

i did find that the panic attacks calmed a little when i wasn't smoking so am planning on stopping again.
i tried to stop smokling and lose weight together and it didn't work so my best advice is to tackle one thing at a time.

Good luck and you can pm me if you want to chat


18-07-06, 09:04
Cheers everyone. Five days now!!!! (and gasping!!)

18-07-06, 19:04
Hi Kay

well done on giving up, i did it 2 years ago and i still cant believe it, my sister is called kayleigh and last name smith, bless hger shes only 8, bit of useless info for u

leanne xx