View Full Version : Please help!!!

26-06-12, 19:20
really need help.. I was about to walk down the stairs and i got a scary feeling (like something bad was gonna happen type feeling i think) So i turn around and go back to my room and get this overwhelmingg wave come over me i get hot flash and i feel very unreal and dizzy, like im going to lose it for sure. For a few seconds im 100 percent convinced im losing my mind and this is the end:weep:..i try to hold on like to not let my brain slip away but it gets so bad i can barely hold it i sit frozen waiting for it to pass trying not to make it worse and calm down

I really dont understand this! Ive had this happen a few times now and everytime it goes back to normal but leaves me confused. When it happens its always later in the day (evening), and it seems to come out of nowhere

Is this a panic attack? it only last a few mins? Im really thinking something is very wrong with me or my brain i was doing good today and then out of nowhere this comes

26-06-12, 19:35
I think I understand what you're feeling, when it's happened to me I put it down to depersonalisation.

That has come out of nowhere several times, one trigger for me is scrolling quickly on the laptop and also waking up, maybe tiredness for you if it comes later in the day?

Exactly as you describe, feels like I'm losing my mind or have lost it, it's very frightening and also for me lasts only a short time, I don't think I could cope with it lasting longer, it's too intense and scary.

26-06-12, 19:35
Hello pacific, hope your feeling ok?? it does sound to me like your going through panic attacks but please dont fear i know this is easier said than done. what's most frightnening about these they mostly come from nowhere which doesnt help us to get your head round it!!. What your experiencing is effects from too much adrenaline surging around your body try to take nice deep breaths, breath out for longer :-). What i do when i get these is i rub my leg to focus my mind on something sound silly hey but it workes for me :).

Take care, if you need to talk just inbox me

26-06-12, 20:07
Hello pacific,

I literally just had this as you were writing it.

You aren't going to Die, and You aren't losing your mind. Just repeat that in your head. I always get this at least once or twice before bed, and if you let your mind wander it can make you think stupid things like "Oh god! I can't deal with this I'm going mental" you ARE NOT going to go crazy, and YOU ARE going to be fine. This is part of a panic attack, and is horrible but it will subside.

Chamomile tea has been great for me today, as well as some music before bed.

27-06-12, 15:17
Thnx for the replies, Lilac yes i'm thinking maybe during the day anxiety builds up and then it needs a release.. Scheiff can't believe u had the same, hope your good. Im relieved others can relate.

Any more have somewhat similair panic?

02-07-12, 21:40
I used to get that exact feeling all of the time. It seems to have lessened now that I've been going to therapy and not getting quite as scared. It is a horrid feeling and sometimes I get a smaller version of it, but it still feels awful. It feels like, "I can't hold on anymore, I'm going to die or go crazy!" but hey, I've had that feeling lots of times and I'm still here... and only a little bit crazy. :)