View Full Version : Nose Cartilage

26-06-12, 19:28
Anybody ever noticed their nose cartilage changing? Mine has been growing at the tip. I've seen a consultant, apparently its nothing to worry about, but I am worrying and hating it and just wondering if there is anyone out there with the same thing.....

Veronica H
26-06-12, 21:13
Yes Ann. I have this too. Vx

26-06-12, 22:47
Hey, I have the same. Freaked out and saw a doc about it about a year or so ago. Mines only noticible from the inside. its like theres a big lump of cartilage on the right. About four times thicker than the left. I was told it was down to my dust allergies and the consequence of rubbing my nose for 18 years with my right hand :P x

27-06-12, 19:09
Yes Ann. I have this too. Vx

Hi Veronica, its not a nice thing to have at all is it? Is yours visible from the outside? My right tip has grown and the white cartilage is now visible, luckily fairly cover-able with makeup. On my left side I've gained a bump slightly higher up. Its changed a lot over the last year :-(

Whats happening with yours?

18-08-12, 14:04
Just popping this thread back up to the top to see if we can find anyone else with this nose cartilage growth visible on the outside.


20-02-13, 11:00
Hi all, glad I came across this thread. I was googling about this very issue.

I fell and really hurt my nose around 15 years ago but up until recently I more or less forgot about it, though I didn't realise at that point there had been some damage to the cartilage.

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but the shape of my nose is changing and beginning to droop and just looks way bigger in general.

I know this may be TMI but I put my finger in my notrils last night up towards the bulbous tip section and found some hard bumps inside (cartilage?). I'm thinkin of asking my doctor about my nose but don't want to sound ridiculous or vain :(

My nose is really affecting my self confidence though. It's taking over my face! If I know how to post a pic I would.