View Full Version : Drunk what seemed like a bleach filled pint!

26-06-12, 19:41

Went for a pint with my boss after work this evening. (about 5.30ish)

Ordered a pint and i had nearly a mouthfull. But it was flat and tasted like cleaning products. Maybe bleach even.

The bartender said the guy who cleaned the pipes probably hadn't washed them through properly.

So now im left feeling anxios and wondering if i drunk bleach! :scared15:

Its been a couple hours and apart from a tight chest and funny taste in mouth i feel okay. I thought my breathing was going a bit funny but thats prob anxiety.

Should I worry about this?

What danger signs should I look out for??? Shall I call NHS Direct??

Any help appreciated. :weep::scared15::weep:

26-06-12, 19:51
This must happen a lot in the catering trade so I doubt they'd use anything as toxic as bleach to clean the pipes, probably more like a bit of washing up liquid or similar. I think you would have had a more severe reaction by now if it had been bleach.

26-06-12, 19:52
Don't worry - you will be fine, i am absolutely certain. Even supposing it was a residue of bleach, it would be no worse than swallowing a bit of water in a swimming pool, for example. Millions of people, children included, do that every day, the world over. Try to put it out of your mind. Best wishes, Annie

26-06-12, 19:54
Hi, try to think how likely it is that you have drunk something harmful.... I don't think its likely at all as I doubt that the guy who cleans the pipes that serve drink to humans would use anything toxic to humans, they wouldn't allow that, it would have to be safe in case all the cleaning solution hadn't been thoroughly washed away.

26-06-12, 19:55
if it was toxic, im sure you would already be throwing up or something.

26-06-12, 23:17
Thank you guys. Its past 11pm and i still feel okay so i guess im fine.

Hope im fine tomorrow is all. Thank you all again!

27-06-12, 07:38
Hi I used to be in the pub trade and I have drunk more than my fair share of cleaning fluid over the years.

Although definately not to be recomended a little bit wont do you any harm.


27-06-12, 11:02
It could have been from the dishwasher. I have had drinks in pubs on occasion and they have tasted a bit soapy/cleaner-ish and I reckon the dishwasher hadn't rinsed them properly.

I think if it was anything nasty you would be really ill by now, and also I am sure they don't use anything harmful to clean pipes or food surfaces in pubs. At worse it would be something like Milton sterilising solution like you clean babies bottles with.