View Full Version : should i go back on anti depressants? - please read and advise.

27-06-12, 09:49
hello all, i havnt posted for a while.so here i am now.
in short, ileft work with agrivated depression last year,tried different pills,some worked some didnt.anyway time went by,and i decided to go it alone,no pills,no nothing. - it workjed for a while,withn positive thinking exercise etc.
over the past month or so, ive felt a lottle lower,more sad more guilt,but because thius has been happening over time little by little,its difficult to see to what extent.i went to the docs to see if they would give me some diazepam,i was talking to her,then out of the blue, i started crying ( i do not cry !) she gave me diaz,but said i nust consider going back on the anti depressents. - but i dont want to - does that make sense? - my wife and i are expecting our 5th bambino,which was planned,we have no debts,and we all have our health, i even start a new job next week,so i dont think anything can be better,yet i feel like crying right now,and am so sad,and riddled with guilt.my mind just runs awat with all that is negative.i look forward to some of your replys,and thank you for them in advance. should i go back on the meds?

27-06-12, 11:26
If some of the meds worked before then why don't you want to take them again? Is it side affects or something like feeling a prisoner to them?

Depression really sucks, I'm suffering from it myself. Not working doesn't do me any favours and it's so hard making others around me who don't suffer this affliction from seeing how debilitating it can be.

A reoccurring theme you say is you feel guilt? We all have emotional baggage and guilt can be particularly hard to shift but still possible. Could the guilt you feel be causing your sadness and be the focus of what to work on?

I think a course of anti-depressants would be a good idea if you can tolerate them. They would be probably more effective combined with some form of CBT. Also you mentioned exercise and that is a great thing to incorporate into any treatment for depression. Start off light with a combination of cardio and resistance training and work up in intensity. It's quite amazing the power of a good workout in the lifting of mood.

Good luck,


30-06-12, 16:40

I have to agree with Steve. If the anti-depressants worked before, it sounds worth giving them another go. Depression is awful and very misunderstood by those who don't suffer it. I've found counselling and CBT to be extremely helpful too, so you could talk to your dr about that.

I really hope you start to feel better soon.

Ali :hugs:

30-06-12, 21:28
Hello :)
So sorry that you're feeling low right now. Congratulations on the new job and your fifth baby. I don't want to tell you what to do but in my opinion I would go back on the antidepressants even if it was just a small dosage.
Simply because I feel they give people that little boost. I know they've helped me a lot. Do you see a therapist? Hope you start feeling better soon Xxx

24-07-12, 09:55
Hi there, I realise this is a bit late and you have probably made your decision by now, but I just wanted to reply as I'm trying to make my mind up on this also. Antidepressants helped me through a horrendous divorce and a very difficult time. Now the children and I are trying to build a new life but it is hard going financially and, like you, I find myself brooding on the negative side and getting tearful. It may be that the prospect of a new job and a new baby, though both are great news, is challenging because both will make demands on you and change is always to some extent stressful, even when it's good change? I have been reluctant to go to my GP and tell her I'm struggling again, but have just come to the conclusion that it's not fair to the children not to ask for some support rather than battling on alone; my moods affect them too, and it's important to be strong to cope with work and family. I think your exercise and positive thinking approach is great though, and I'll try to use that approach as well. I hope your new job is good and congratulations on the baby! Sue.