View Full Version : Weird Breathing Problem - please help

27-06-12, 10:16
Hallo. Last year I had a serious breakdown, which started with a strange breathing problem. I've been OK these last few months, but have just had a job offer and the breathing problems have started again, so I'm worried about history repeating itself. I'll try to explain the breathing issue to you:

It starts off with me becoming hyper-conscious of my breathing. It feels like I'm not getting enough air and breathing starts to feel like an effort. My skin starts feeling tingly all over, especially the hands, arms and lips. As it gets worse, all I can think about is breathing - it lasts for days (last year it lasted for weeks non stop) and I can't sleep.

The GP gave me strong benzos last year, which did not stop the weird breathing pattern. The CBT nurse suggested various breathing exercises which seemed to make it WORSE.:wacko: Last year it ended up with the worst breakdown of my life - uncontrollable panic, shivering, insommnia, not being able to bear any noise or even sight (it was like my eyes were hyper-sensitive). I lost my job over it. With time, and unemployment, it got better.

Now I've got a really good job offer again, I need to prevent it from happening again. I have 2 children to look after - I'm terrified of losing this job too. Is there any way of nipping this breathing thing in the bud before it gets out of hand?

Please can anyone help? I don't understand why the breathing exercises make my breathing worse. Is there any other solution?

27-06-12, 12:08
Hi Daisy

May I point out a post I made in a similar thread the other day


should help you :)

29-06-12, 08:15
Ta Potato11. Have you, or does does anyone else have, any opinions on the Buteyko breathing technique? Or would the focus on breathing control continue to make the problem worse? I have a week before my job starts...

02-07-12, 21:11
I have a breathing obsession, too. Breathing exercises do not help and my therapist has told me not to do them if they make it worse. Sometimes I'll get a feeling where I 100% believe I will not be able to take the next breath and it fills me with dread, it's the worst feeling in the world.

Try and remember that it got better before, and if it gets worse again, it will only be anxiety related to the new job! It's not a physical problem, you will not be harmed.

I started a new job today and my palpitations went absolutely insane. I was miserable for a few hours, but I put on a happy face and kept going. I just have to remind myself that it's the anxiety of starting a new job (even though mentally I didn't feel anxious at all). Bodies do funny things.