View Full Version : giving up

miss tracy bennett
14-07-06, 20:47
[V][Sigh...]hi all could do with a freind having a bad time at moment & feel like giving up i dont want to be like this anymore im tired of fighting i have depresion panic attakes & have become aggraphobic i have no freinds and feel as if i would be better off not going on anymore as im just a burden to my parents please help me [V]

t bennett with every new day comes hope

14-07-06, 20:53
Hi Miss T,

I know just how you feel. I don't know if i can offer any help or encouragement as i'm feeling pretty low myself right now, but if you need someone to talk to or at - please feel free to pm me.


polly daydream
14-07-06, 21:15
Hi Mtb, sorry to hear you are having a bad time at mo, you must stop thinking this way hun, your parents would miss you so much if you weren't around, I'm sure that you are not a burden to them and you must stop thinking this way. People that suffer anxiety and depression have to fight it everyday and find it very tiring, me included but we can't let it beat us. Remember, you have lot's of friends on this site willing to listen and help you where they can.

Take care, you are not alone,

Polly x

14-07-06, 21:32
Hi Tracy,

I know how you feel. Please try to be strong hun. Im not too good at the moment myself but if I can be of any help to you I will do my bestx

Thinking of you



14-07-06, 21:34
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment, we are all here to help, you are not alone we are all your friend, you will get better Tracey.:D



14-07-06, 22:11

Aw hun hugs for you. Sorry you are feeling like this. I know its hard but you must try and stay positive, don't let this depression beat you. If you ever feel lonely you can always chat to all us on here. [^] Hope you feel better soon.

x x

Two heads
14-07-06, 22:39
You do have friends tracy,you have us!You dont have to see ones face to make them your friend hun.We are all here when you need us.We understand how you feel as we to live the same nightmare everyday.But it doesnt have to be so much a nightmare if we all share it!
Im here if you need to chat,takecarexxxxx

14-07-06, 22:48
Hi there, am so sorry you are feeling so awful at the moment. Things will get a little easier, that I can promise. I have 4 children and I know, no matter what they do, say, feel, they are NEVER a burden to me. All parents feel the same. Unconditional love my darling. Now, are you able to talk with anyone about how you are feeling? have you visited the doctors at all? Sorry if i am being nosey. Try looking at all the information on this site, it will help, and there are a lot of people here who can and will assist you. take care and keep in touch xxx

15-07-06, 04:51
Miss Tracy don't give up. If you give up then know you will be miserable, if you keep fighting there's always hope. Hugs to you and luck.:D

17-07-06, 08:52
Hi Miss Tracy - so sorry you were feeling so low - hope you are feeling a bit better now - good days and bad days- we all have them - try to think (I know its hard) that there will be good days - and they are worth fighting for - and then there will be more good days than bad days. Our relatives and friends are fighting for us too - you certainly won't be a burden - cos they love you and want you to be better and keep fighting too.


03-06-09, 17:32
:yahoo:Hi miss t I have been very depressed for 6 years since my mum died and I had all the symptoms you have , I was a successful singer who enjoyed gardening and i lost it all I gained 6 stone 1 stone for every year my mum was gone I couldn't go outside at all I couldn't even answer the phone because i didn't want to talk to anybody .. but let me tell you
About 4 or 5 weeks ago i went out my back door, I only sat for 5 min but the next day it was longer so the 3 day I planted some seeds so I had to go out and water them, and today I cut my grass only in my back garden but for me it is huge when i finished I cried not with sadness for once they were happy tear I couldn't believe id done it,,, so I just wanted you to know I understand how you are feeling you are not alone even if you cant go out just maybe sit at the door take a deep breath and know if I can get better so can you I have hope now and so do you juliebear out

03-06-09, 17:59
hi,im having a pretty rough time too, i think it makes it worse when family dont feel what youre going through, only people that really understanded are the people on this site, i too feel i am a burden on my family, but know deep down they would miss me if i was gone, take care, damo