View Full Version : are we just all nut cases !!!!

27-06-12, 13:59
i suffer from anxiety about having a heart attack constantly leading to panic i have tried every med there is ave done some cbt plenty of counselling that in my opinion is no different from talking to a close friend now i obcess about nealy everything going its a horrible existance it is a fight every day just going out for a meal with my partner and daughter is a panic fueld hour.

i have no real let up from the anxiety only when i take about 20mg of Valium that i buy off the black market its not prescribed to me do i feel relaxed i have been through the citralipam side affects and still take it now it is the best med so far for the long term fix as valium only knock you out so id need to be on it all day every day to function normally my life has been destroyed after my 1st panic attack so i wonder where it all ends because i never hear of any one in full recovery its dis heartening am i just a nut case !!!!

rant over !!

27-06-12, 14:26
Firstly I would say never ever take medication like valium unless it is prescribed by your dr! How do you know what is actually in it!
You do need to go to your dr for help x

27-06-12, 19:58
I was talking to someone on the chat room of this site the other day that had fully recovered. The took Citalopram combined with CBT for around a year and then slowly tapered off it. After that they were back to normal and due to the CBT there isn't much chance of regressing. I wouldn't buy Valium and I'd keep up with the Cit and CBT if you truly want to beat it.

27-06-12, 22:04
I have had HA for my entire adult life, and I would say that I have accepted that it is something that I will always live with. However when I was in my twenties, I had no idea how to handle it and it overwhelmed me. I felt bad most of the time, I was on and off medication, I just felt a mess. Since then I have learned to cope with it much better. I still find I have some intense and crippling episodes, but they are not all the time like they used to be and now I have more coping strategies. I have long periods of what I would call remission where my life is completely normal. I think counselling helped. I did have CBT and I found it helpful in managing the symptoms but in my own personal experience, it took more long term counselling to actually gain insight into my anxiety. Things can get better and they do. For me personally, always looking for a 'cure' for my anxiety was draining and just another obsession in itself. When I accepted it and started focusing on how to manage it I felt better about things.

27-06-12, 22:09
Valium is very, very addictive, which is one of the reasons why it is not prescribed on the NHS anymore.

Please consider coming off it asap! Don't immediately stop, you need to cut down over weeks and months. Seeing your GP for advice is an absolute must.

I agree with Cassy1989; you don't know what quality you are getting via the black market, either.

Counselling, including CBT and other forms of therapy, is really worthwhile. If you are really engaging in therapy (working at a feeling level) then it is much more effective than just talking to a friend. IT might be a good idea to revisit it.

Good luck,


28-06-12, 14:09
yes i no about Valium im not addicted i can take it 3 days running during stressfull times then have weeks off it i only use it then i need it i was more directing my question that do people (us lot) ever fully recover i no time is a good healer but will life ever be normal with out the dull life of some one on anti depressants to control panic and anxiety im not saying were dull by the way but any one who has been on any meds will no the dull feeling im on about i take 30 mg cit a day and to be honest not much bothers me never happy never sad always dull this might just be me but a few friends on similar meds are the same ...

28-06-12, 14:17
I don't mean about valium being addictive. I meant you don't know if it really valium or not x

28-06-12, 14:17
Hi Scrog80

When faced with illnesses like ours anxiety and panic etc, I think once we have found something that makes life easier be that cbt or meds or both or other forms of therapy we still have the illness but the symptoms are better controlled.

My train of thinking is someone whose asthma is under control doesn't mean they are not asthmatic does it.

28-06-12, 18:57
No there real Valium I'm just a bit confused to what we are all dealing with as panic can happen from just 1 traumatic insident oscars some of us suffering from post traumatic stress? Or are we realy Ill and just need to find some peice it's all a bit strange doctors do t take it serious even our mental health service has months waiting list then it all seams half arsed mine was limited to 7 45 min sessions I think we all can be living through hell on a daily basis and it's not understood by any one but us

28-06-12, 19:21
Hi guys this is my first post and im in the same boat!
For the past 9 years i have suffered with heart problems doctors told me it was anxiety and palpitations! I managed to come to terms with this and led a relatively normal life!!

Up until 2 weeks ago, i was rushed to a&e in excrutiating pain on my right hand side of my hip and abdominal, i was discharged after having 10 hits of morphine as having kidney stone.
Things were fine for 2 days i didnt feel any different until a similar pain returned and i was back down my shrop doc who said he would like to admit me to shrewsbury hospital... so of i went i had the blood work urine tests and a c.t scan nothing found apart from a tiny cyst on my ovary the ones that appear when your ovulating!

I was discharged but while in there i had 2 ecg's because of my heart they said it was fine, i didnt feel fine but went home. Number of trips back and forth to my doc about how ill i still felt and i ended up taking myself up to a&e they said i was fine my heart was fine! so i stood up and then they noticed the speed of my heart i spent the night there on a 24 hour monitor had chest xray blood tests ecgs and urine tests, they told me i have a condition called Postural Orthastatic Tachycardia Syndrome! But am still awaiting the results from another test i had! Something to do with hormones in my blood, anyway iv been home since and felt awful its just one symptom after the other but the docs just tell me its my anxiety!
I cant sleep because everytime i just about fall into deep sleep i jump up and it feels like my heartstops or i cant sleep!!
I havnt eaten properly for 2 weeks, i feel sick and my belly burns which radiates into my throat, i also wake up incomplete sweat in the morning im soacking!! the list could go on!

Any advice and help would be great thanks.