View Full Version : Panicking Anxiety and making myself feel crazy

27-06-12, 20:28
I'm not sure if im in the right place but at the moment I feel I am at the end of my tether.
I've had quite a stressful few weeks starting off with my lovely grandad being in hospital and passing away two weeks later, then the council demanding we clear his flat the very next day or they start charging us. We took some of his furniture home which resulted in us finding out it was infested with bedbugs as I was mysteriously getting bitten, I had around 50-70 bites come up so we had to have our entire house fumigated. Now Ive just gotten over that I've become very aware of my heartbeat and feel im constantly thinking about checking my pulse im trying to stop myself as I don't want to get into that horrid habit. I get very panicky and feel I could have health anxiety as I literally worry over everything. Prior to us finding out my msytious bumps all over me were bed bugs I convinced myself it was meningitis. I keep feeling like my pulse rate is very high and it's making me panick more yesterday it resulted in me being in tears outside my friends workplace just having a full on attack. I just wanted some reasurence to be honest, could this be anxiety or the stress of the past few week or could I simply be making it worse by constantly thinking about and analyising everything little sensation in my body
i feel very anxious at the moment

27-06-12, 20:56
I am so sorry, I was brought up by my grandad so can totally understand your grief.

Perhaps your increased anxiety is caused by the stress of the situation; and also if you are focused internally, you do not have to face the turmoil and pain around you.

Only time can heal, then hopefully your anxiety will get better.:hugs:

Perhaps you should visit your GP and discuss everything with him.

27-06-12, 21:35
I just always think something is wrong, I had a cluster of headaches at christmas just gone that I was convinced was a brain tumour. I feel like I ruined that christmas for my whole family with my ftetting and anxiety. I don't feel like my friends really understand it, and sometimes I feel they think I do it for attention when I'd give anything to not feel like this, I feel like I'm pushing my friends away and I just feel really alone and down

02-07-12, 21:35
I have health anxiety, too. It pretty much consumes my day and makes me feel very down, too. Have you been to the GP for tests and/or medication and/or referral for therapy? It sounds like you're under a lot of stress, so don't be too hard on yourself.