View Full Version : anxiety ruining everything!

14-07-06, 21:44
I'm 17 years old and suffer from anxiety really bad! i've been seing a mental health nurse and last week i was actually honest with her and told her that its the way i look that brings it on! I hate the way i look and cant go outside and the anxiety happens then. She is referring me to a theripist... has anyone else been through the same and what is a theripist and what do they do? please reply i have been on so many forums and no-one replies to me :(

14-07-06, 21:51
Hi There,

A big warm welcome to you. Here you will be made very welcome and meet new friends. Sorry your not feeling too good at the moment. I also have a problem with the way I look and think we can be a bit hard on ourselves sometimes. Hopefully the therapist will help you feel better.

Take Care



polly daydream
14-07-06, 21:59
Hi and welcome to the forum, I haven't actually gone through what you are going through but do suffer from anxiety, if you don't mind me asking, what is it that you don't like about yourself?. Do you know what sort of therapist you are down to see, the only therapy I know of is counselling, as many people on the site are actually seeing counsellers for there anxiety etc.

Sorry I can't be of more help,


15-07-06, 08:06
Hi there - welcome to the forum
love Helen

Will Loynes
15-07-06, 09:51
welcome to NMP. Anxiety is not nice in any form and can make us all very self aware, especially about things we are not happy with.
I hope that with help from the NMP community as well as your therapists you can come through this.
You have done a really good thing by being open about this, it may not seem it at the moment but the more you expose your anxiety it will become easier to cope with. I hope that makes sense?

Please come back to the forum and the chat room.

best of luck[8D]


emma chant
15-07-06, 17:14
Hi There,
I no how your feeling,a theripist would help you i had one when i
was about 8 or 9 and it helped.
Take care and welcome to nmp.

e chant