View Full Version : Keep messing my words up?

27-06-12, 21:54
Well im not really anxious about it..sometimes i am but at the moment okay..basically ever since ive had my anxiety ive noticed that i mess my words up like alot! :/ and I don't know what's up...I constantly think about it my mum thinks it's because i keep thinking about it and that's why it happens..sometimes i think im going crazy...so do you think it's because im over thinking about it so i make it worse?

27-06-12, 21:59
The more you concentrate or focus on this, the worse it will become. I know cos it happens to me. Try not to focus on speaking x

27-06-12, 23:09
Okay I will try not to! :D thanks for helping x

28-06-12, 15:56
i also feel the same its made it worse i mess my words up alot more now too cos of anxiety lol

28-06-12, 16:49
I go through periods of time where I just flat out can't put two words together. I know it gets aggravated by not sleeping and being anxious/depressed. Instead of getting flustered about it, I try to laugh about it. It'll eventually go away (and probably come back again randomly). But everything will work out. :)

28-06-12, 18:40
Oh thank god! I thought it was just me..haha obviously not :) thanks everyone..I will try not to think about it as much :)

28-06-12, 18:53
This happens to me every day, my words come out all jumbled up, I think it is a mixture of medication and nervousness that cause it for me.
Glad I am not the only one, thought I may have Dementia.
I also do the analysis afterwards, thinking that the person I was talking to may think that I am a mad woman.

28-06-12, 19:33
Hi, this is something that I do quite often, my words become muddled and sometimes I jump from one topic to another mid sentence because my mind is busying itself and thinking too fast that I can't concentrate.

I also find that I talk very quickly and have to make a conscious effort to slow down. As I am aware of it I try to speak less quickly and take deeper breaths at the start of a conversation in an attempt to stop the panic and muddled worrds from starting in the first place. It actually works sometimes and I feel quite calm.

I wish you lots of luck, I'm sure you will find a way of coping that you're comfortable with. x

30-06-12, 19:32
@Bobbydog I think alot of people do it come to think of it...but no one really realises it because I honestly thought I was the only one to! And I always feel like people think im a mad woman! haha :)

@Zingything That's what I find myself doing come to think of it..I speak to quickly and I try to say lots of things at once and it just all comes out jumbled up!:)