View Full Version : Anxiety is living my life while I sit in the shadows.

27-06-12, 22:19
I've been diagnosed with health anxiety and been suffering for 9 months it's ruling my life I just can't seem to stop worrying about my health it's driving me mad,I'm constantly telling myself it's just anxiety get a grip but this doesn't seem to work at all,all I want is to get my life back on track anxiety has stole to much already.

27-06-12, 22:54
You're doing the right thing by recognizing that it's anxiety. Sometimes you have to tell yourself over and over (and over and over and over) again for it to really sink it. Keep up the good work! :)

27-06-12, 23:07
I seem to believe its anxiety when I'm feeling good but when I get the dizzy light headed feeling and the chest pains I really do think I'm dying.

27-06-12, 23:37
Have you read this yet:

31-01-13, 22:15
Well it's a yes ago I wrote this post about the anxiety devil living my life and if I'm honest it still is infact it's even worse now I just can't seem to get over this I've tryed everythin and to top it all of I'm starting to think its not anxiety and I'm dying,I can't stop worrying my symptoms are that severe like today I've had chest discomfort all day it just feels like my blood pressure is all over the place I seriously need some help xxx

01-02-13, 06:08
Hi seanydee, have you had cbt? I'm also on fluoxetine which has been helping. The cbt has almost stopped all my negative thoughts and through psychotherapy I'm starting to discover the issues going on under the surface and to then tackle them. My herbalist assures me once I've uncovered the things that cause my fear my anxiety will go away.

01-02-13, 07:58
I've tryed cbt it didn't really help me,ive tryed mediation technics,breathing excersises and nothing seems to work I don't know wat to do x