View Full Version : question for the veterans.

14-07-06, 22:52
I know this post is more for the medication forum. But i usually post and talk in here.. and theres alot of people in here with good experience.. So i decided to post it here as well.

My situation is that I might have anxiety. The biggest problem i face is accepting or knowing for sure that what I have is really anxiety and not a health problem. Ive seen my doctor, gotten a thorough blood test done and an ecg. Everything turned out ok. But thats not enough to convince me.

I can either take a billion medical tests, which I have no insurance right now, Or maybe I can try anxiety medications. My goal is not to take medicine as a cure. I would like to maybe try a mild tranquilizer or a mild anxiety medication that can prove to me that what I am feeling is anxiety. I feel that if i took an anxiety pill for a month, and felt better and was like ok. So it really is anxiety.. I could come off and have a more successful time battling anxiety on my own.

The logic Is... lets say you have a few powerful drinks. The room spins, you feel dizzy, u feel sick. It doesnt bother you at an anxiety level because there is a justification for the feelings. You know your drunk, and as bad as you feel you accept it. You deal with it, you dont have anxiety or worry or fear over it. I feel that might happen to me after I get off the medication. As bad as I feel, I now have a stronger reason for it. I can go with it, deal with it. hell maybe enjoy feeling drunk for free!

14-07-06, 23:59
Hi PaladinX,

Yep, this is the old acceptance thing rearing its head. I think you know you have anxiety, but as with so many of us, proof from the doctors is not enough. That is because the proof they provide is negative, in so far as it confirms what you haven't got, but does not provide a magic test that comes up positive for anxiety. We'd all be happier with that eh!

I got so bad that, in the end, I was too scared to take the medication I was prescribed so I forged through it with a combination of Claire Weekes' books plus some counselling, which led to me changing various things in my life that were stressful. I am now much better.

I don't think you can take anxiety meds for a week and feel better - it's a much longer term deal than that. Perhaps someone with that experience will advise you on that one.

However you arrive at acceptance of anxiety, you still have to find a way to deal with it. Did your doc make any suggestions for the next step?

Eeb x

15-07-06, 00:53
not really.. im not an overally stressed person. I think im kind of calm. My anxiety is weird, its more subtle and comes in spurts for no apparent reason.

Your right about the medical tests, but when do they end? There are 100's of tests, and each one you take and everything is ok, you might keep invented up new diseases.

I figured maybe ill take a mild tranquilizer or something for a few weeks, see how i feel. If it helps then thats pretty good proof that my symptoms are anxiety related. I doubt a real health problem would go away just cause of tranquiliers. I dont know.