View Full Version : Can you beat Anxiety?

28-06-12, 02:12
This monster has hit me for the first time in my life 2 months ago. At first, I had full blown doom and gloom...From the moment I woke, to the second I fell asleep, all I thought about was the fact that I was about to die. I had chest pain, Dizziness, mental cloud, tightness in the throat and the felling that I was going to pass out at any moment.

Well after getting a clean bill of heath and being told it was anxiety, I lost a lot of these symptoms. The doc put me on clonazapam .5 as needed. I am still dealing with slight dizzy and mental fog. Some days are better then others.

My question....Can this thing be beat or am I looking at just copeing with it for life? I know its hard to say, but I don't know anyone that has told me that they have beat anxiety. Just asking...


28-06-12, 21:56
I'll let you know when I come off the meds! feel great now, after 7 months on citalopram, but the proof of the pudding will be in coming off them! I have to hope that it can be beaten, otherwise I won't be able to give up the cit - not voluntarily going back to living hell thanks all the same!
Good luck with your recovery and we all have to hope to come out the other side :)

29-06-12, 15:12
Am not anxiety can be beaten full stop, I do however think anxiety can be managed so it has less or no impact on us.

29-06-12, 17:01
I've suffered 12yrs, I manage it, but havnt got rid of it. I don't take meds. They mask the anxiety so you can live life, but we are all different. Some would rather take meds indefinitely rather than suffer the Anx. You have to look at what's the cause of yours, Anx is a fear of things, guess you have to lose your fears.

29-06-12, 19:28
I thought I had it beaten for a few years, or at least under control, but it came back now with a vengeance. I never took any meds for it either.

I know it sounds simple (hell right now I'm not sure how I did it either!) but one day I just thought to myself "do I want to spend the rest of my life worrying or to live it and at least try my best to enjoy it?"... And I started keeping myself busy and eventually stopped dwelling on my darker thoughts for long.

29-06-12, 20:19
If you dont want anxiety, dont let it be part of your life. Get on with life and anxiety will go, the more you ignore it and distract yourself from it, anxiety will give up and fade away in the background. Good luck and be positive :whistles:

30-06-12, 00:12
I had it really bad first time just escaped hospital admission but working hard on being positive and taking the meds I was back off medication and back to "normal" in 9 months. I was clear for 1 year then it came back not like the first time and it never will because I'm not frightened of it anymore and have accepted that it is part of my life moving forward, when I get it I keep going and try to ignore it hoping that the symptoms won't last long. Probably like most people sometimes this works and sometimes not depending on a number of things like how tired I am, what's going on in relationships and my life at the time. Just think this two shall pass and one day it will be gone and when your ok you will wonder what the hell all the fuss was about.

Good luck