View Full Version : Night Anxiety alone

28-06-12, 02:12
So wen I'm about to go to sleep I allways get anxiety I'll lie in bed and then it will start heart pounding very anxious feeling panic :mad::weep:

I just don't know why it's only night time and being alone does not help
Thinking about it and having no one around I think makes it worse

Anyone else have this problem

28-06-12, 04:21
Yes.. a lot. I have about 2-3 panic attacks daily, especially if I am not with my comfort person.. I used to live alone and that was the worst. You are not alone with this. Try popping some pop corn, watching a good movie, then taking a warm bubble bath. That usually helps.. I feel ya though :/

28-06-12, 09:45
Hi I also find anxiety can stop me falling asleep and also frequently I wake up in the night with a panic attack.
I have found listening to something such as the radio calms me down in both situations. The distraction seems to settle the anxiety and stops it progressing further. I find listening to talk shows helps me but some people find music more calming.
Maybe give it a try, it might help. :)

28-06-12, 12:13
If you get a dab radio you can get Smooth Radio 70's channel - no talking, no adverts, just 70's music. I have found this helps when I can't sleep. There is no dj to distract you, no news to make you depressed, no ad's that get on your nerves.

Another idea would be to listen to a mindfulness cd -Jon Kabbat Zinn's Mindfulness Way Through Depression comes with a cd with meditation and breathing exercise on it. If you do them in bed you may find you fall asleep listening to them.

It's a good book, not really about depression though, more about mindfulness, meditation, and living in the moment.