View Full Version : It's back

28-06-12, 13:46
After over a year off my meds I have been going downhill rapidly lately. I have symptoms of the following.
Light headed as if going to collapse
Needing deep breaths
So so tired all the time, even after 8-10 hours sleep I wake with my eyes stinging and wanting to shut
Cant rationalise about anything
Feeling I have a health problem

Can anyone relate to my fears?


28-06-12, 16:57
Hi there,

Just wanted to say, no one here at NMP can give out medical advice, because we're not doctors, but the best person to go and see about these symptoms are your doc.

If these symptoms are worrying you, you should go and see the doc about getting your bloods checked, I get these symptoms when I'm anaemic, and perhaps you are anaemic at this moment in time, which is fine, it's nothing to worry about.

Also, you may feel these symptoms more, simply because you are 'watching out for symptoms' if you know what I'm saying?

I don't think you have anything to worry about, just go for a wee check up and let us know how you get on.

29-06-12, 15:36
yes i'm lightheaded all the time, feel like i will faint/collapse. its such a horrible feeling - you dont feel 'safe' :-(

29-06-12, 16:44
Ive suffered with anxiety since i had my daughter 9 years ago. I've gone months and sometimes over a year in between with no meds and feeling fine then all of a sudden it just comes back. For me I think its just something i'm likely to have for life on and off, just hoping more off than on!

29-06-12, 17:27
Hi saintdee, sounds like it could be chronic hyperventilation?

30-06-12, 15:48
or is it a 'blip', or what its called, it happens to me, actually i m living one at the moment, its like you are anxiety free and than one morning you wake up realllly awfull...the more you think about it the more it gets intense...a check up won t do any harmi think