View Full Version : Lack of appetite

28-06-12, 18:03
Ever since this anxiety lark started I've had no appetite what so ever. Does anyone relate to this. Cant decide whether its the anxiety or the meds. Makes it very difficult to shop for food let only cook it


28-06-12, 18:47
Anxiety/depression takes my appetite away. I've lost 10 lbs. in the last few weeks because of it. But take it from me, you need to eat, even if you don't feel like it. I usually force myself to eat plain things like crackers or pretzels or a bowl of cereal and toast. It's amazing how much better you feel after eating. If it goes on for a good amount of time, though I'd check with your doctor.

28-06-12, 19:06
Yes I can relate to this too. Anxiety/stress play a huge role in how my appetite is. I had a terrible appetite for more than 30 years and forced myself to eat during that period (it hasn't totally gone) for fear of losing weight - I even liquidised a Chilli Con Carne once just to get it down.

There are many other reasons too. What I can say is to eat what you like...i.e. the food you enjoy the most.

28-06-12, 19:06
Lucky I've got a husband to feed otherwise wouldnt bother I'm sure, Will mention it to my shrink at my next apt


28-06-12, 21:44
I'm sure I eat normally but I can't put on any weight. I haven't gone above 8 st 2 in my life yet. Even if I try and eat like a fatty I don't get fatter. There are times when I don't feel hungry, but I can eat normally, the times when I'm non stop hungry but can't eat much at all. Frustration.

30-06-12, 15:29
i ve had these symptoms too, its like you can t swallow. thankfully it passed, i had to take some meds though, which i m gratefull i did.

good luck, don t give up, and think positive.
