View Full Version : Hidden Anxiety

28-06-12, 20:14
I have been wondering if it can be possible to be anxious without realizing we are.
Anyone else ever thought of this ?

28-06-12, 21:42
Surely we wouldn't be anxious if we didn't feel anxious...why do you ask?

eternally optimistic
28-06-12, 21:59
Most definitely.

This is something I say all the time, I am sub consciously anxious, I guess but
have either taught myself very well to ignore the worrying thoughts or, something else kicks in.

I am a stronger believer, in my case, that my sub concious mind is my plague.


29-06-12, 15:04
Surely we wouldn't be anxious if we didn't feel anxious...why do you ask?

Well as you know at times anxiety can also cause physical pain too, lately though when I have had say stomach cramps the doctors not found any physical cause and suggest it down most likely to anxiety, but it can be when I don't feel anxious about anything.
So this why I asked.

29-06-12, 15:56
I think you can have anxiety without fully being aware of it, for instance you might be tense, or a bit edgy without having a full blown anxiety attack which causes a panic attack. If you think of anxiety and panic attacks as two ends of the same pole. So on one end you have anxiety, where you are a bit anxious, nervous of a situation, tensed up...but it hasn't entered the panic end of the scale where full blown symptoms kick in. You can experience symptoms at any end of the scale but those symptoms can be very different.

29-06-12, 17:52
I reckon then, regarding your question, that one can be anxious while the mind is in receptive mode. This is when you are engaging with other people and you feel normal as your brain is set to take in information quickly and effortlessly. You go back to thinking about your anxiety on your own. During receptive mode, I think you can still have troublesome subconsious thoughts and subsequent symptoms, but if you were to sit down and infully examine yourself, you would find that you are indeed very anxious. That is my toughts on the matter.