View Full Version : Symptoms won't go away

15-07-06, 08:43

I have had anxiety-related symptoms for over six years now. The problem is that they won't go away, new symptoms appear and the old ones persist.

I have had depersonalization for the whole time I've been sick, it hasn't for one second been away. I'm under the impression that other sufferers have depersonalization periodically, whereas mine only gradually worsens over time.

My field of vision is full of floaters, they don't come and go according to my level of anxiety, they only seem to increase over time.

I could go on but I believe you got the idea. Why do you think I don't recover from any of my symptoms?.

kris 1
15-07-06, 09:02
hi kroko,
i to have suffered with derealism an depersonalisation for a
while myself.I am by no means cured of this curse but the last few days i have gained immense helf from other sufferers on this site.I wish there
was a magic cure for this problem,but up until now the only one thing thats helped me is distracting myself.I dont know what ur symptoms are but with my dp i feel like iam in a dream,things seem unfamiliar and sometimes when i pinch myself i feel no pain,its like i am in a semi conscious,dazed,foggy state.I have found that alcohol will temporarily take my mind of it,but awake the next morning twice as bad!Are ur symptoms similar to this?Let us know

Take care,

15-07-06, 22:27
This seems to be common in women that suffer from PMT. Periodically obviously, pardon the pun!
Wish there was a magic cure thats for sure.
Caz xxxx

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